Last Friday (Christmas Eve) was Mom’s 93rd birthday. We spent a quiet day – well, as quiet as can be when Mom is chattering like a magpie or screaming like a banshee.
Today, started with Mom falling – she does this way too often, but won’t always wake me up to tell me she’s getting up and sometimes I’m just so tired, I don’t know she’s getting up.
Then, while she was napping in her chair, I decided it would be a good idea to take a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, I discovered she had woke up, but instead of banging on the bathroom door as she usually does when she knows I’m in there, she decided to make a fashion statement.
My dear Aunt Iona once crocheted for me a red and white toilet paper cozy – this keeps a roll of toilet paper accessible on the back of the toilet. I guess Mom decided her head was cold and thought that cozy would make a great hat. I couldn’t resist taking a picture:
Actually, red is Mom’s favorite color and the cozy does make quite a fashion statement.
I also got a couple of pictures of Mom with my brother, Jeff during Thanksgiving at his house near Atlanta, GA:
Mom continues to lose weight, but is very strong and wants to be as independent as possible. Every day, though, it’s harder and harder to understand what she says. Pray for her, will you? She is so unhappy.