Thursday, July 5, 2012

II Kings 12 – 13 and II Chronicles 24

In these two parallel passages, we learn that Joash (Judah), who was six years old when he became king and reigned for forty-six years, was instructed by Jehoiada the priest. For this reason, he did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight even though he did not destroy the pagan shrines.

In II Chronicles 24, we learn that the Temple was in need of repair because the followers of “the wicked Athaliah” had broken into the Temple and used the dedicated things from the Temple in their worship of the images of Baal. Joash (Judah) asked the priests and Levites to go to the towns of Judah and collect the required annual offerings so the Temple could be repaired. When nothing was done, he spoke with Jehoiada the priest who drilled a hole in the lid of a large chest and set it up at the Temple so people could bring their annual Temple money. The people, who were pleased to have this opportunity, filled the chest over and over and the repairs were done on the Temple.

Joash (Judah) didn’t fare very well after he made a deal with King Hazael in which he gave Hazael all the sacred objects collected by Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, and Ahaziah in exchange for not attacking Judah. He also abandoned the Temple and worshiped Asherah poles and idols instead of the one true God. Joash (Judah) even went so far as to have Zechariah son of Jehoiada stoned to death when he warned him that God was displeased. Joash (Judah) was assassinated. His son Amaziah (Judah) became king.

Tomorrow, we’ll be reading II Kings 14 and II Chronicles 25.

Until next time…

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