Tuesday, July 3, 2012

II Kings 5 – 8 and Standing Guard

II Kings 5 - 8

Included in our reading today are some of the miracles that Elisha was involved in, including:

  • Curing Naaman of leprosy
  • Knowing that Gehazi had chased after Naaman and had taken silver, etc. from him
  • Making Gehazi suffer from Naaman’s leprosy,
  • Making the ax head float,
  • Warning the kings exactly where the Arameans would attack
  • Revealing to his servant the horses and chariots of fire supporting them
  • Blinding the Aramean army
  • Predicting the end of famine – to happen in one day
  • Predicting that Hazeal would be king of Aram in place of Ben-hadad

I guess it’s clear he got a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit.

Tomorrow, we’ll be reading II Kings 9 - 11.

Standing Guard

Eagle Standing Guard

My cousin sent me this picture – how appropriate for Independence Day

Until next time….

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