Deuteronomy 28 – 29
These two chapters could easily be called the “blessings vs curses” chapters. Moses doesn’t just tell the people that if they obey, they will be blessed and if they do not obey, they will be cursed. He almost poetically describes in unbelievable detail exactly what will happen either way.
For example, if they obey, their towns and fields will be blessed, their children and crops will be blessed, the offspring of their herds and flocks witll be blessed, their fruit baskets and breadboards will be blessed, and “wherever you go and whatever you do will be blessed.” Further, if they obey, the Lord will make them the head and not the tail and they would always be on top and never at the bottom. How could it get better than this? BUT, if they do not obey, the opposite will be true. How could it get worse than that?
Tomorrow, it’s Deuteronomy 30 – 31.
I went down to Brandon today and couldn’t believe the price of gasoline – in most stations, it was $3.859 per gallon. I was lucky(?) and filled up for $3.689 at the Truckstops of America in Seffner, but the total I paid was $69.00. In a way, I’m lucky though since I hadn’t got gas since 3/3 – 17 days ago. Obviously, I haven’t been driving much, at least not like I used to.
I think tomorrow I might go se Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. I haven’t been to the movies in quite a while.
Until next time…
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