It's been quite a while since I added new posts to this blog, but since so much is going on, I thought I would add a blog post instead of putting out a lot of info on Facebook.
I'm so excited - I just changed the water on my celery bulbs and you would not believe how much the sprouts have grown.
I actually started the above sprout second., but the sprout is almost as big as the one I originally started
This is the one I originally started on 1/22/2014.
Can't wait to plant it, which will be much easier now that I have completed filling my Square Foot Garden Frames with the soil mixture. What a job that was, but it is finally all done!
This picture shows one of the piles of dirt I mixed up: 1 part peat, 1 part vermiculite, and 1 part compost (you are supposed to use at least 5 different types of compost, which can be quite a challenge). I measured out the various components in 5-gallon buckets. This picture shows the result of 2 5-gallon buckets of each component. My cart holds 6 cubic feet and it took two trips in the cart to use what was here. I could barely lift the 5 gallons of compost, but I got it done.
I plan to plant some of my garden on Monday. Where I can, I would like to plant plants instead of seeds, but I may not be able to do this in every case. I am going to draw out a diagram of what I plan to plant (this will help me remember what is planted where) and use it for a reference.
While I was at Lowe's today getting some more compost and potting soil, I bought a banana plant. There was another Tropical plant there -- I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it was a POMEGRANATE! They both look fairly healthy as you can see by the picture:
For those of you not familiar with plants, the banana is on the right. I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos today about growing bananas. The little plants next to the big pseudo-stem are called pups. Isn't that cute? You can see them better in the following picture:
The bigger one is easier to spot. The little one is on the right side of the main pseudo-stem right next to the side of the pot.
I'll be growing both of these in containers rather than planting them in the soil around my house -- it's been treated with lots of fire ant poison and I don't want the plants affected.
Hope you all had as satisfying a day as I did. I was so glad to get all of that soil mixed and moved, I just can't tell you. BTW, I bought another bunch of celery today and will be trying to sprout that too.
I'll probably post something else tomorrow. Gardens are amazing!