Friday, February 7, 2014

Garden Update

Yesterday, I discovered you can re-grow green onions by rooting the chopped-off root ends and planting them.
Here are the cut ends sitting in water. I'll probably plant them tomorrow since roots are already pretty established.

Did you know you can regrow Romaine lettuce? Here's what it looked like immediately after I cut off the root end and stuck it in water.
In one day, it grew this much -- unbelievable!

I also decided to try it with leeks, though I have never really cooked with them. Anyone have any good recipes that use leeks?
This morning, I took a picture of my two radish squares - above are the French Breakfast radishes. Below are the Champion radishes.

It's cold (54 degrees) and cloudy here today. Can't wait for the sun to come out and some warm weather.

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