Monday, February 3, 2014

Thought I would post some more pictures showing how my gardening is coming.

This morning, I created the grids for my Square Foot Garden. I used dowels and zip-tied them together at 1-foot intervals. Don't they look great?

My Tree Collard is really sprouting out. I can't wait to plant it outside.

 I took a picture of both sprouting celery roots. They grow at least 1/2 inch per day. The third one I started looks like it might sprout in the next few days.

Isn't my garlic looking great. It's growing every day and getting really green and healthy.

Even though my stomach won't tolerate the acid in a  pineapple (this morning I ate one piece and have been very uncomfortable ever since), I wanted to try growing one. It is supposed to take two years before it produces any fruit. I watched a video on YouTube about how to prepare them for planting and I'm hoping it works as well for me as the video showed.

I plan on planting most of my garden today, but it is raining off and on (I don't think it was supposed to rain). Wish I had gotten it planted before the rain started. I will be trying to grow the following:
  • 1 Square of Pole Beans
  • 3 Squares of Corn
  • 2 Squares of Cucumbers
  • 1 Square of Jelly Bean Tomatoes
  • 1 Square of Red Cherry Tomatoes
  • 4 Squares of Nasturtiums
  • 1 Square of Yellow Beans
  • 4 Squares of Marigolds
  • 2 Squares of Kale
  • 2 Squares of Carrots
  • 1 Squares of Champion Radishes (mainly for my friends and neighbors)
  • 1 Square of French Breakfast Radishes (mainly for my friends and neighbors)
  • 4 Squares of Beets
  • 2 Squares of Spinach
  • 1 Square of Lettuces
  • 2 Squares of Zucchini (one plant in 2 squares)
 The flowers are mainly being planted to repel pests although I am sure I will enjoy their beautyas well.

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