Revelation 6 – 11
The place is heaven and Jesus has been found worthy to open the scroll. This scroll had seven seals and various events happen as each seal is opened. Did you notice that after the third seal was broken, “a loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day’s pay.” Some are saying that we are headed for such an experience in this country. There is much death and destruction as the seals are opened and we hear the voice of those martyred for the word of God shouting to the Lord and asking how long before he will judge and avenge.
When the seventh seal was broken, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour and then came the seven trumpets. The seven trumpets also announce a lot of death and destruction and terror. In fact, there are three terrors, each worse than the last. Still the people will not repent.
We then find seven thunders, but what they said must be kept secret and John is given the small open scroll to eat, much like Ezekiel eating the scroll as recorded in Ezekiel 3. We are then told about the two prophets who will have tremendous powers and who will eventually be killed, but raised up after three and one-half days.
We also find out where the Ark of the covenant is – in heaven in the Temple of God.
Tomorrow we’ll read Revelation 12 – 18.
I am making great progress on the cookbooks I’m writing. Today, I finished copying my mother’s recipes form the cookbooks my brother has. I still have a lot of work to do writing down recipes that she never wrote down.
Is it ever cold here today! Fortunately, I didn’t have to go out today, but I think I’ll head over to Bass Pro Shop tomorrow and use the gift certificate my cousin Richard got me. I may also go to the movies to see either Jack Reacher of Parental Guidance, probably Jack Reacher.
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