Genesis 30 – 31
In chapter 30, we see a manifestation of the inner feelings of Leah and Rachel. Leah knew that Jacob really wanted Rachel as his wife, that he had worked for seven long years to earn the right to marry Rachel, only to be fooled by Laban into marrying Leah. This must have made Leah feel like second-best, but at least she was able to bear Jacob sons. Rachel could not and she was jealous.
Obviously, this became a bone of contention between not just Leah and Rachel, but also Rachel and Jacob. Desperate to have children, she follows Sarah’s example and gives her maid Bilhah to Jacob to bear children for her. The birth of Bilhah’s sons, Dan and Naphtali makes Rachel think she is winning.
In the meantime, Leah, who isn’t getting pregnant anymore, decides she can do the same and gives her servant Zilpah to Jacob. In this way, Gad and Asher are borne. We then get some insight into why Leah is not getting pregnant. It may be because Jacob just isn’t sleeping with her anymore. For the price of a few mandrakes, Rachel gives Jacob permission to sleep with Leah. Issachar and Zebulun are a result, as is the only daughter mentioned, Dinah. I wonder if Jacob did treat Leah with more respect after that.
What did you think of the way the birth of Joseph is described: “ then God remembered Rachel’s plight and answered her prayers.” God certainly answered her prayers and it may have seemed like God had forgotten Rachel, but who knows why God did not enable Rachel to have children before. Doesn’t it seem sometimes that God has forgotten us and our prayers, especially when we don’t see any indication that he is acting on our behalf, or for that matter, that He is even aware of our situations? Look at how he tested Job.
Wasn’t Laban an incredible conniver? BUT GOD! He blessed Jacob no matter what obstacles Laban put in his way – so much so that Jacob felt he had to flee for safety. Rachel and Leah agreed to leave; they must have felt their father had cheated them too.
Jacob gets across the Euphrates River before he is caught by Laban and his troop. Laban, though, was warned by God to leave Jacob alone. Jacob makes a rash statement when Laban accuses him of stealing his gods (apparently, Laban did not worship the one, true God). Jacob says, “But as for your gods, see if you can find them, and let the person who has taken them die!” He didn’t realize he was putting Rachel at risk. But Rachel uses a time-honored way of getting out of trouble: just mention anything to do with your time of month and men will get so embarrassed they walk away.
A covenant is made and a feast to commemorate it is held and Jacob goes on his way.
Tomorrow, it’s Genesis 32 – 34.
Some Neat Signs
A friend sent me these:
last, but certainly not least
Life is Hard
Afterlife is Harder!
Love this next one!
Today, I took care of my dried strawberries and then made a new recipes for sausage balls: it contains chopped olives. I really liked them, but I did add onions and jalapenos which weren’t in the recipe I used.
Until next time…
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