Saturday, January 14, 2012

Job 38 – 39 and Joyful Noise

Job 38 - 39

It’s time now for Job to sit up and pay attention; the first verse of chapter 38 begins with “Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:” Wow, how do you suppose this worked? Was this whirlwind a big tornado-like object or something small like a dust devil? Whatever it was, I imagine it was very impressive, but I can’t imagine how Job felt.

How would you feel if God said He had some questions for you and then told you you must answer them?

God made a clear distinction between Himself and Job. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me. if you know so much.” (Job 38:4) He then continues to show Job that Job is a mere mortal whose understanding is minimal, at best. By asking questions about a number of things about the world, thus displaying how powerful the Almighty is and how powerless Job is, God makes His point to Job.

Tomorrow, we’ll read the last three chapters – 40 – 42. I love the way this book ends and hope you do also.

Joyful Noise

Today Karen and I went to see Joyful Noise, the new film starring Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. What a spectacular movie! It was one of the most uplifting movies I’ve seen in a long time. Hope you all get a chance to see it. I liked the music so much, I tried to download the soundtrack from iTunes., but had some trouble with it. Oh, well, tomorrow is another day.

Until next time…

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