Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Job 29 – 31 and Weird Chili

Job 29 – 31

Chapter 29 gives us a real picture of what Job’s life was like before God allowed Satan to attack him. It looks as if one of the things Job misses most is God’s friendship was felt in his home, that the Almighty was still with him. True, he had a place in the community, was respected by the community leaders. He helped the poor and strangers who needed help. He comforted those who mourn.

But, in chapter 30, we see he is now mocked by “…people younger than I. by young men whose fathers are not worthy to run with my sheepdogs.” It wasn’t just Job’s three friends who were giving him a hard time, but almost everyone else.

He starts a litany of things he was careful about, sins he had not committed, misdeeds he had not done, and even good things he had done.

Tomorrow, we’ll meet another of Job’s “friends” when we read chapters 32 – 34.

Some Really Weird Chili

This morning, I made some really weird chili, not on purpose, but because I didn’t check the label on the spice bottle before I dumped a couple of teaspoons into the pot. Then, I noticed it was cinnamon. I had thought it was chili powder. I scooped as much of it as possible, but from the taste of it, I could have made a little more effort.

It doesn’t really taste bad, just weird.

I downloaded a new Audible book today: Gun Games by Faye Kellerman. I’ve already listened to about half of the first of two parts. It’s a great book – another Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus book.

Until next time…

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