Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Delay in Posting My Blog

Today, 9/26/2012, I discovered that I packed my printer power cord instead of my computer power cord so I’ll have to postpone posting my blog until probably Sunday night or Monday.

Keep reading though:

Sep 26: Neh 1-5
Sep 27: Neh 6-7
Sep 28: Neh 8-10
Sep 29: Neh 11-13; Ps 126
Sep 30: Malachi

Just think, by Sunday, 9/20/2012, you will have read the entire Old Testament.

Don’t forget that Friday, September 28th, begins the 40 days of prayer leading up to the election, the Call2Fall is so important. The future of our country is at stake.

You can get more details at:

Until next time…

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