Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ezekiel 24 – 27 and My Motorcycle Tool Bag

Ezekiel 24 – 27

The Lord gives Ezekiel another object lesson about “what sorrow awaits Jerusalem.” We also learn that Ezekiel must have cared for his wife deeply for the Lord calls her Ezekiel’s “greatest treasure.” The Lord would not let Ezekiel show any sorrow at her death; he was to mourn in private. It appears that Ezekiel must have been struck dumb, because the Lord talks about his voice suddenly returning. Ezekiel is told to prophesy against Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, and Tyre.

Tomorrow, we’ll be reading Ezekiel 28 – 31.

My Motorcycle Tool Bag

Today, I finally finished my motorcycle tool bag. It turned out pretty well. By the way, the color is dark cocoa brown, not black – though how anyone could tell, I don’t know. There are straps you can’t see that fasten it to the handlebars of your motorcycle or bicycle or whatever.

IMG_0579 This was such a fun project. Tomorrow, I have my second class on making the messenger bag. If you recall, I carved and stamped a little roadrunner on the front flap. I know we won’t finish it tomorrow, but we should get quite a bit more done.

Now that the tool bag is done, I guess it’s time to buy the motorcycle.  Ha! Don’t believe it.

Until next time.

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