Matthew 9 – 10
When Jesus sent out the twelve apostles, he told them to:· Not go to the Gentiles or Samaritans, but only to the people of IsraelThen, Jesus gives them incentive to go out and minister:
· Announce that the Kingdom of Heaven is near
· Heal the sick
· Raise the dead
· Cure those with leprosy
· Cast out demons
· Give as freely as you have received
· Don’t take any money or carry a traveler’s bag or even a walking stick
· Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality
· Whenever you enter a city, find a worthy person and stay in his home
· When you enter the home, give it your blessing
· If it turns out not to be worthy, take back your blessing
· If a household or town refuses to welcome you, shake its dust off your feet; the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off on judgment day
· They were being sent out as sheep among wolvesWow, that is some incentive, isn’t it? It’s a wonder they didn’t all run away, but they had faith in their Savior. They had seen the miracles Jesus performed every day. They had seen the sick healed and lepers cured.
· They would be handed over to the courts
· They will be flogged with whips in the synagogues
· They will stand trial before governors and kings, which will be their opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about Jesus
· When (not if) you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say
· God will give you the right words at the right time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Spirit of your Father
Tomorrow, we’ll read Matthew 14 and Mark 6 and Luke 9:1 – 17.
A Suppressed Fox News Video
Remember when we were told to watch Fox News on a Sunday night that was going to air something about Obama and we watched but never saw anything! Well, read below and click on the video to see why it got pulled before it could air.
Now we know why Fox News never broadcast it as they had originally planned to. This piece was pulled.
I encourage you to please send this to everyone on your email list ASAP.
Remember all the notices we kept getting to watch Fox News on Sunday at 9PM? What Happened?
This is the clip that got pulled due to pressure from the Administration.
Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Sean Hannity from airing this piece.
This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show that we are told has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for several weeks. It was a matter of time until the Internet picked it up.
Watch it now before it gets pulled from the Internet! next time…
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