Do you think the nine lepers who failed to come back to Jesus had only a temporary remission from their leprosy? Jesus asked the one who returned about where the other nine who had been healed were. Did you notice that the one who returned praising God was a Samaritan? Jesus told him to stand up and go, that his faith had healed him, yet he had already done that.
It should give us pause to realize that there will be no visible signs for when Jesus returns. Jesus uses two examples. In Noah’s time, everything was happening as usual until the day the rains came down. He also talks about Lot and how the people of Sodom & Gomorrah continued with their daily business until the burning sulfur started falling. We need to be constantly living as if the Lord is coming back at any second.
I don’t think I have ever been so impressed with the importance of persistent prayer as I have since we began reading the gospels and Jesus’s examples about why we should be persistence. Are you wearing out God with your persistent prayer? Is there a loved one you have been persistently praying for? Is there a situation that needs to be resolved? Pray persistently. Pray often. Cry out to God. As He says, “So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?
Tomorrow, we’ll read Matthew 19 and Mark 10.
Until next time…
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