Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mom and the Multi-Tasker

It’s probably been some time since you saw a picture of my Mom. I took a couple of pictures today so you could see how much she has failed. It will also show you that she, like Alton Brown, believes in multi-taskers.

If you remember, I reported she was willing to offer a sock to help pay for dinner one night. Now she’s discovered a new use for socks – keeping her ear warm.  The pictures don’t do justice to show how skinny she is now, but I know she weighs less than 95 pounds.

Mom with Sock 1 Mom with Sock 2

Please pray for her – it’s getting increasingly difficult to understand what she says and I hope I don’t miss something important.

Tomorrow I hope to get a lot done on my travel trailer:

1) Buy a set of shelves for my kitchen – so I don’t have to put holes in the walls. I’ve picked out a set from Home Depot and hope their on-line inventory is accurate.

2) Try to find a set of shelves that will work in the bedroom closet.

3) Put the shelves together and install in the kitchen.

4) Ditto the bedroom.

5) Attend a Webinar and linking Picasa with Google maps so I’ll easily be able to keep people up to date on where I am.

6) Set up my Solar Panel and plug it into the Duracel Generator.

'Til next time…

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep you and your Mom in my prayers. It is so hard when our loved ones start to fade. It is wonderful that she has a loving daughter to care for her.
    I'm so excited for you and your adventurous plan to see this great and beautiful country.
    Best wishes~Dianne
