Some of you are probably aware that Mom and I went to the Atlanta area over Thanksgiving. It was an interesting 10-hour drive up and nearly the same back. Because of her tendency to open the front door while we are traveling at high speed, Mom has to sit in the back seat. This makes it difficult to hear her, to say nothing of understanding her – which is almost impossible most of the time.
We had a great time, or at least I did. Mom slept a lot after we arrived. Whenever she was awake she cried to go home. I should point out that she cries to go home even when we are home.
I had 14 eBay sales and the attendant paperwork to take care of when I got home, as well as laundry and taking care of Mom. Today, she can’t even stand up straight, but is apparently unaware of this since she has gotten up to walk and fallen twice. I, of course, feel awful about that, but can’t really stay by her side all of the time.
It seems that in the last few days, she has grown more and more unresponsive and confused. She’s having a lot more trouble swallowing and coughs a lot while eating. She hasn’t slept more than a few minutes at a time since yesterday morning and neither have I…
Sorry to burden you with all of my troubles, but I hope you’ll keep Mom and me in your prayers.
Needless to say, I have made no progress on my camper in the last week. Today, in the four hours I had off, I had a number of errands to run that can’t be done while Mom is with me. She just gets too tired and restless.
Well, I’m hoping she and I will be able to get a few hours sleep tonight.
Until next time…
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