Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Progress on Camper Prep

Today, I did some more rust removal -- this time on part of the A-frame in the front. I also put a second coat of paint on the back bumper -- probably won't need any more of that. The next time I work on it, I'll start right out with the A-Frame ... I'll have to take off the two propane tanks and the battery to really do the job the way it needs to be done, since there's rust underneath those also.

I put some dryer sheets around in various cmpartments -- it's supposed to keep the critters out.

The solar panel charger I installed is doing a great job: a few weeks ago the battery registered 11.2 volts; last week it was 11.8; this week it was 12.4 volts. On a sunny day, it charges at about 19 volts. What a great way to create electricity... If a person were to boondock, it would be of tremendous help.

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