Monday, May 21, 2012

II Samuel 22, 23, Psalm 57 and A Day at Florida Medical Center

II Samuel 22, 23, Psalm 57

David’s song to the Lord as recorded in II Samuel 22 should offer encouragement to all of us. If you are ever feeling down or having problems, read this Psalm. Personalize these words and we learn from this that:

  • God is my rock
  • God is my fortress
  • God is my savior
  • God is my rock in whom I find protection
  • God is my shield
  • God is the power that saves me
  • God is my place of safety
  • God is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence
  • God is worthy of praise
  • God saves me from my enemies
  • When I cry to the Lord for help, he hears me from his sanctuary, my cry reaches his ears
  • God rescues me from powerful enemies
  • The Lord supports me
  • The Lord leads me to a place of safety
  • The Lord rescues me because he delights in me
  • The Lord rewards me for doing right
  • The Lord restores me because of my innocence (always remember that our innocence comes from being declared innocent through faith in Christ – Ephesians 2:8 & 9 – we become justified – just as if we never sinned)
  • The Lord is our lamp
  • The Lord lights up my darkness
  • In God’s strength I can crush an army
  • With God I can scale any wall
  • God’s way is perfect
  • All God’s promises prove true
  • God is my strong fortress
  • God makes my way perfect
  • God makes me as surefooted as a deer
  • God trains my hands for battle
  • God strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow
  • God has given me his shield of victory
  • God’s help has made me great
  • God has made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping
  • God arms me with strength for the battle
  • God subdues enemies under my feet
  • God gives me victory over my accusers
  • The Lord pays back those who harm me
  • God holds me safe beyond the reach of my enemies
  • The Lord saves me from violent opponents
  • The Lord shows unfailting love to his anointed

What more can we say?

Did you find it interesting that, in David’s last words, Uriah the Hittite is again mentioned as one of the Thirty?

I think verses 10-11 summarize Psalm 57: For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.”

Tomorrow, it’s Psalm 95, 97, 98, 99.

A Day at Florida Medical Center.

Today, I accompanied my cousin Richard to a dentist appointment, a doctor’s appointment and a procedure at the Florida Medical Center. We started out at 7:15 am and got back just after 5 pm.  An exhausting day!

Until next time…

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