Psalm 3, 4, 12, 13, 28, and 55
I hope reading the Bible chronologically is bringing the Psalms alive to you. Today, for example, we read Psalm 3 which is described as “regarding the time David fled from his son Absalom” – exactly what we read about yesterday. David recognized that he had enemies and that many were against him, that they were saying God would not rescue him. David’s faith, though, is amazing. He saw the Lord as his shield and his glory, as the one who held his head high. In the midst of all of this turmoil, he was able to sleep and wake up in safety. Why? He knew that the Lord was watching over him. Therefore, he was not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surrounded him. He knew that his victory was not because of anything he could do, but that any victory he enjoyed would come from the Lord.
David’s ability to lie down and sleep in peace while surrounded by enemies is mentioned in Psalm 4 also. Did you notice he described God as the one who declared him innocent? He was absolutely sure that the Lord would answer when he called to him, but he warns people not to sin by letting anger control them. Anger is an emotion, but it is one we do not have to let control us. His advice to think about things overnight and remain silent is great advice. We are also advised to offer sacrifices in the right apirit and trust the Lord. Remember the Lord will keep us safe.
In Psalm 12, David appears a little down because it seems as if the godly are “fast disappearing.” He gives some examples and then relays how the Lord replies: “I have seen the violence done to the helpless and I have heard the groans of the poor.” David knows God will rise up to rescue the helpless because his promises are pure. He knew God would protect the oppressed even though the wicked strut about and evil is praised throughout the land.
In Psalm 13, David starts out sounding as if he thinks or feels that the Lord has forsaken him, as if the Lord is not hearing him pray or answering his prayers, but then David declares his faith in God’s unfailing love. He rejoices because God has rescued him and sings to the Lord because the Lord was good to him.
Psalm 28:8 reminds me of my “life verse,” Proverbs 18:10: “The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run into it and are safe.” David sees God, who gives his people strength as a safe fortress. He sees God as his strength and shield, one David trusts with all his hear. God helps him and David’s hear is filled with joy.
You know, God can be depended upon to hear our cries for mercy, even though it may not seem like it at times.
Verse 22 sums up Psalm 55 – “Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” David is a good example of this: he starts the Psalm with a litany of problems and pleas for help. He turns it all over to the Lord and his attitude seems to change. He seems to realize that God will take care of him. Guess what! God will take care of you and me, too.
Tomorrow, it’s II Samuel 16 - 18.
New Internet Connection
Yesterday, the Bright House installer finally found my camper and installed a high-speed Internet connection in my camper. It works great. I can watch GBTV and other video now without continuous stopping and starting. Yahoo!
Until next time…
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