Psalm 26, 40, 58, 61, 62, and 64
From the content of Psalm 26, it appears to have been written before David committed adultery and murder. He says he has acted with integrity and calls for the Lord to put him on trial and cross-examine him, to test his motives and his heart.
David certainly makes it clear that it is important to watch who we hang around with. He refuses to spend time with liars and hypocrites and hates the gatherings of those who do evil. He refuses to join in with the wicked. Do you ever consider who your friends are or where you hang around? Is it with people of integrity or do you sometimes feel uncomfortable in the presences of your friends? Sing a song of thanksgiving to the Lord and tell of his wonders. Even though David says he lives with integrity, he still asks God to redeem him and show him mercy. He recognizes, as we should, that only God can declare us innocent.
In Matthew 10:30, we are told that the very hairs on our head are numbered.
In Psalm 40, David talks about how his sins pile up so high, he see the way out and that those sins outnumber the hairs on his head. David was aware of how he had failed God, but he knew God would not fail him.
David cried out to the Lord and waited patiently for him to help. God did not let him down. He lifted him up from the mud and mire and set his feet on solid ground. Have you ever been knee-deep in real mud? It is not easy to move around. The mud attaches itself to you, pulls at you until it becomes almost impossible to move. God lifted David out of the mud, steadied him as he walked and gave him a new song to sing. And David felt the joy of those who trust in the Lord. David was in awe of God and the wonders he had performed. He talked about God’s faithfulness and saving power, of his unfailing love and tender mercies. God was his helper and savior. Where would David be without him?
Justice seems to be the theme of Psalm 58. The rulers of the world do not practice justice. Look at our own country. But God judges fairly and the godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged. According to verse 11, “…there is truly a reward for those who live for God, surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.
Psalm 61 sounds a lot like Psalm 36, especially in terms of being safe beneath the shelter of God’s wings. David also saw God as a safe refuge who would lead him to the towering rock of safety. And, he once again calls on God’s unfailing love and faithfulness to watch over him. It doesn’t get any better than that.
If David knew nothing else, it is clear from Psalm 62 that he knew victory came from the Lord, David’s rock and his salvation. Instead of trying to solve his problems himself, David waited quietly for the Lord. His power came from the Lord.
Psalm 64 repeats this theme as David pictures God shooting down his enemies with his arrows. Verse 10 sums it up well: “The godly will rejoice in the Lord and find shelter in him. And those who do what is right will praise him.”
Tomorrow, it’s II Samuel 19 – 21.
Inflation Is Everywhere
Today, I went to see the movie What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I enjoyed the movie a lot, but I didn’t enjoy the fact the AMC raised their already outrageous rates for popcorn. Now, I know the price of popcorn has gone up, but does that justify a twenty-fice cent rate increase? It wasn’t that long ago that the theater raised its price for the movies shown before noon by 20% – yes, from $5 to $6.
I’m currently considering seeing my movies on Netflix and saving a ton of money by making my own popcorn. I would be able to take as many intermissions as I want to when I want to. In fact, according to the NETFLIX.COM site: “For only $7.99 a month, you get unlimited movies & TV episodes instantly over the Internet to your TV or computer. There are no commercials, and you can pause, rewind, fast forward or rewatch as often as you like. It's really that easy!”
The monthly charge for Netflix is less than the now $12 Combo # 1 that I usually order at the theater. I would just have to wait until the movie comes out on DVD to see it. After tomorrow when Karen and I are going to see The Avengers for the second time, I think I’ll sign up for the free one-month trial at Netflix.
Knife Case
I recently made this knofe case for the manager of the mobile home park where I live. It urned out pretty well, don’t you think?
Until next time…
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