Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Think We’re in a Rut

I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since Wednesday, but I could almost post the same info tonight as Wednesday.

Last night, my mother had another sleepless night. Note that I didn’t say quiet night, but rather sleepless. She didn’t sleep and neither did I.

Then today, she decided she could just walk wherever and whenever she wanted. I warned her to let me know when she got up so I could walk along beside her. She is still so shaky when walking, as evidenced by the fact that she took another spill. Even after that, though, she still wouldn’t sit in one place for more than a few minutes.

The only thing that would be different from the above is that she didn’t just fall once today, but twice – once while I was in the shower and once while I was in the bathroom for another reason.

Yesterday, Nadine came again which allowed me to go to one of my favorite stores -- Bass Pro Shop in Orlando. Karen Dersham went with me and we enjoyed a great lunch at the Cricketeer Arms after walking through the store. The Cricketeer Arms is a British pub that serves the best fish and chips I think I’ve ever had.

Mom is becoming increasingly unresponsive. She won’t look at you when she talks. It’s nearly impossible to understand what she says – unless it’s profanity. She constantly drools even if it’s been hours since she ate or drank anything. It’s not uncommon to have to change her clothes 2 – 3 times per day.

Any ideas, anyone, on what I can do about this? I bought her a very long bib for meals, but she hates it and pulls it off whenever she gets a chance.

Though she says she’s hungry more often, it hasn’t changed how much she eats. Now, my niece will probably say that is a reflection of my cooking – wouldn’t you, Colleen -- and she may be right, but Mom doesn’t even eat much of her favorite take-out foods.

Tomorrow, a nurse from Hospice is supposed to stop by to check Mom out after her falls. Maybe she’ll have some suggestions about the drooling.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. My Dad had drooling issues with the ALS. Aside from having a folded papertowel in his mouth, while awake, he did get an Rx to "dry up" some of the saliva. Hopefully, the nurses can come up with a solution for your Mom. Thinking of you always~Dianne
