Monday, February 8, 2010

Rut Confirmed

Yep, you guessed it; last night Mom spent yet another sleepless night, talking, shouting, crying, whining, and sitting up in bed. When she sits up, she usually can’t lie back down by herself, because she puts her legs through the railing before sitting up.

About 6 am, she finally wanted to get up. Then, during a breakfast of cornmeal (which should be very easy to swallow), she had a choking spell. Later in the day, she fell.

I often wonder if there is something more I could be doing to keep her safe. So far as falling, I think the only solution is to tie her in a chair. I hate to do that, but when she fell today, I couldn’t stop her. She stood up and, before I could get around my computer desk to walk with her, she was on the floor.

She’s also been reluctant to eat anything today. I think she’s afraid she might choke again. I’m surprised she remembers the choking, but it was pretty scary.

Thankfully, I was able to get out for four hours thanks to Maria from Right at Home. I made my trip to Sam’s and to Publix. I don’t know how the pioneers did it, not being able to go to the store any time they needed to. After bringing in and putting away my purchases, I was able to take a bunch of garbage to the dumpster. I can’t believe how much garbage two people can generate.

On another note…

I’ve gotten plans for building solar panels. All the soldering looks extremely tedious, but you can make an 85-watt panel for under $100. I tell you, I am sold on solar, especially living here in Florida where it’s sunny almost every day.

The plans even included some neat instructions for building a small solar charger for AA and AAA batteries using chipped or broken solar cells.

If anyone is interested in seeing how this works, let me know.

Until next time…

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