When I read this passage today, I couldn’t help but think of the Dead Sea Scrolls. If you recall, some Bedouins found these scrolls in a cave – they were probably hidden there by the Essenes to protect them from the Romans. Scrolls have also been found in such places of Afghanistan.
While in prison, Jeremiah is told by the Lord to buy a piece of land from his cousin Hanamel and to bury the sealed deed and an unsealed copy of the deed in a pottery jar “to preserve them for a long time.” This was an object lesson for Jeremiah that even though the Babylonians were conquering Jerusalem, there would be a time when the people would return and fields would be bought and sold again.
So, here is Jeremiah, stuck in prison for delivering the Lord’s messages and the Lord tells him “remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come,” about healing Jerusalem’s wounds and giving it prosperity and true peace, and raising up a righteous descendant of King David’s line who will dow what is just and right throughout the land. His name will be “The Lord Is Our Righteousness.”
Tomorrow, we’ll be reading Jeremiah 35 – 37.
Until next time…
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