Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lamentations 3:37 – 5:22 and Isaac Is Coming

Lamentations 3:37 – 5:22

Jeremiah asks if the Lord sends both calamity and good then why should we, mere humans, complain whe we are punished for our sins. He urges us to test and examine our ways and turn back to the Lord. He again laments what has happened to Jerusalem, but asserts at the end that Jerusalem’s punishment will end and they will soon return from exile, but Edom’s punishment is just beginning.

Tomorrow, we’ll be reading Ezekiel 1 – 4.

Isaac Is Coming

As most of you are aware, Isaac is battering the Keys and was predicted to come up the west coast of Florida. As is often the case, the computer models have been changing until now it looks as if Isaac will track throught middle of the Gulf of Mexico and perhaps hit land somewhere between New Orleans and Pensacola, FL.

Still, it pays to be prepared. People have cleared their properties of lawn chairs, planters, ornaments, etc. since they tend to blow in the wind. I’ve stocked up on propane (my fridge will run on propane if the electricity is off), water, food staples, etc. so I should be okay. It the wind gets stronger than I expect, I’ll hook the pickup to my camper so it will be harder to tip over.

Until next time…

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