Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Few Odds and Ends

In my daily email from MEMRI, they reported that:

Lebanese Shi'ite Cleric Sheik Hassan Ghandour: Singing Is Prohibited in Islam

Fatwa Permits Mujahideen to Kidnap, Imprison, and Have Sexual Intercourse with Infidel Women

Senior Lebanese Jihadi Calls on Syrian Rebels to Wage Jihad against Assad's Regime, Urges Mujahideen to Kill and Replace Him

And they call Islam the religion of peace.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I am currently about 1/4 of the way through this book. It was a little difficult getting into the book, but I stuck with it because I wanted to read the book before the movie comes out. The movie starring Daniel Craig is due out soon and the previews indicate it will be a fast-moving work. Now that I’m a ways into the book, the reading is much faster – a page-turner if you will.

Happy Feet Two

Today, I went to see this movie. It was not worth my time or money, but the popcorn was good. Oh, some parts were kind of cute, but I wish I had saved my money.

Until next time…

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