Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some Neat Pictures

I promised I would post some pictures of our time at the Marietta Diner last night. Here they are:

smMarietta Diner 20111120-2

My nephew Bob, my sister-in-law Rose, and my brother-in-law Don. In the foreground is a “small” piece of some kind of strawberry cake.

 smMarietta Diner 20111120-3

In this picture are my brother-in-law Don, our waiter (in the white shirt), my niece Donna, my great nice Sara and my great niece Marissa.

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Speaking of great nieces, here is another of Sarah, Marissa and their sister Krysta. Aren’t they beautiful and they are just as nice as they look. It was a real treat to get to see them. I hadn’t seen them since last May when I attended their sister Melody’s wedding.

By the way, speaking of pictures, the following is labeled: Last Picture of An Idiot.


Isn’t life full of wonderful surprises? My brother Ray arrived a day early for Thanksgiving. He usually doesn’t get here until Wednesday, but he arrived at a little after noon today.

I’m posting this early so I can take care of my computer.

Until next time…

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