Sunday, November 13, 2011

Litlle Boxes

Today, I wore myself out going through the rest of the boxes I brought home from my storage area. I’ve emptied and organized so that I now have only one I need to work on. In the course of this work, I found it necessary to inventory my TV cabinet.  It has 3 shelves and actually looked full until I pulled everything out. I logged everything in a spreadsheet and filled the cabinet back up.  I also inventoried my batteries and tried to put them back in their storage boxes.

I also have a box of books for the library and a box for my niece Jane and her kids.

My house is still a wreck, but first thing tomorrow, I have to take my truck to the Jarret-Scott Ford dealer in Plant City. After that, it’s back home to finish taking care of the stuff scattered about my home.

Well, I’m going to rest for a while and then go to bed.

Until next time…

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