Monday, November 7, 2011

No Go

Last night, a few hours after posting my blog, I had a call from Esther telling me she had what she thought was the flu. This meant no trip to Epcot today. Instead, we’re going to try to go on Friday. It’s probably just as well we didn’t go since I didn’t sleep very well last night. In fact, I’ve been up since about 3:55 am.

Today, I made some Spanish Rice. It’s quite spicy since I used 1 10-oz can of RoTel, 2 10-oz cans of diced tomatoes and 1 1/2 cups of water. I gave some to my cousin, but he’s been away all day. I don’t know if it will be too hot for him to eat or not.

I spent some more time taking care of stuff. I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of my spice. I also have a bunch of extracts and flavorings and food colors the store somewhere. The size of all of these things makes it impossible to just put them loose in a cabinet. Maybe I’ll go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to see if they have something I can use. It has to handle a number of different sized bottles.

Well, I just talked with my cousin Ethelyn. She and Elwyn were already near Winchester, VA and were planning to stay in PA tonight. I jsut realized today that I’ve been a little gloomy since they’ve been gone.

Until next time…

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