I Corinthians 1 – 4
It is 9:30 and I just remembered I had not posted my blog today. I hope you enjoyed reading the first four chapters of I Corinthians. Note that Paul tells them they now have every spiritual gift they need as the wait EAGERLY for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please note it is God who keeps them strong to the end so they will be free from all blame on the day the Lord returns.
There was a lot of discord in the church at Corinth as there unfortunately is in many churches. In this case, they were squabbling about who they were followers of, even to the point of who they were baptized by. Paul points out that it is Christ who made us right with God – boast only in the Lord.
I love Paul’s comparison of the Corinthians as babies whom he could not feed solid food, but had to feed them with milk. The divisions they have shows they are not ready for the meat of the Word. Paul shows them it is an effort by many working together through the Holy Spirit. He laid the foundation and others built on it.
Paul loved the people of Corinth so much that he sent Timothy to them to remind them to follow Christ Jesus. Great advice.
Tomorrow, we’ll read I Corinthians 5 – 8.
My Replacement Vehicle
As you probably know, I’ve sold both my camper and my pickup truck. Today, I purchased a replacement so I’ll be able to get around town. I’m pretty sure my cousin Richard thinks I’m crazy for buying something with so many miles, but I just do not want to go into debt for a car. It’s got a problem in the exhaust system, the battery probably needs to be replaced, and the brakes need work, but the body and interior are in wonderful condition and the tires look brand new. I think after I put some money into it, it will get me where I need to go around home. If I want to go out of the state, I’ll rent something.
I’ll post pictures once I get some taken. We didn’t get home until after it got dark last night.
Until next itme…
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