John 14 - 17
The previous chapter of John details Jesus telling the disciples that he would be betrayed and that they would all desert him. He even predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed. Small wonder he starts out this chapter telling them: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me.”
There are so many places in the Scriptures where God or someone speaking on behalf of God tells people not to be afraid. Remember after Moses died and Joshua was told it was time to take the Israelites over the Jordan and into the Promised Land? God told Joshua more than once to be strong and courageous, not to be afraid or discouraged. “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Here we see Jesus, who knows his disciples are confused and scared, telling them not to let their hearts be troubled. He also gives them a new commandment, that they love one another as he has loved them – remember: he gave his life for them. That is the way our love for one another is supposed to be. He tells them of the Holy Spirit – the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth – who will testify all about him.
Tomorrow, we’ll read Matthew 27 and Mark 15.
Chocolate Cake
My cousin Ethelyn sent me a recipe for the Best Ever Chocolate Cake. This morning, I made the cake. I had one piece and it was good, but not the best ever. My Aunt Ruth’s Salad Dressing Cake is still my favorite. She would make it and put peanut butter icing on it. Now that was some great cake. I had one piece and it was okay, but I won’t have any more of it. My cousin Richard is more than willing to eat the rest.
I was very pleased with the operation of my oven. I set it for 350 degrees and, according to the oven thermometer I put in there, it was exactly that temperature.
Veteran’s Day
Thanks to all of the Veterans and the brave men and women serving in all branches of the military to keep our country free. I am so proud of those in my own family.
Until next time…
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