In today’s reading, we see those rascally Pharisees trying to trap Jesus by any means they can, including bring Herod’s supporters to do their dirty work. But Jesus was on to them.
Of course, they use a common technique – trying to flatter him so they can trap him. They told him:
· Teacher, we know how honest you are
· You teach the way of God truthfully
· You are impartial and don’t play favorites
They tried to butter him up and then asked him the trick question: “Now tell us what you think about this: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
Our Lord Jesus knew their evil motives, called them hypocrites, asked them why they were trying to trap him, and asked them to show him the coin used for the tax.
The coin they handed him was a Roman coin. He asked them whose picture and title was stamped on the coin. He got right to the heart of the matter and told them to give to Caesar what was Caesar’s and to God what was God’s.
They went away amazed.
No sooner were the Pharisees done trying to trap Jesus than the Sadducees showed up. These guys didn’t believe in the resurrection from the dead and tried to trick Jesus, asking him whose wife a woman would be if married to seven brothers, one after another as the previous one died.
Again, Jesus goes right to the heart of the matter and tells them they don’t know the Scriptures and neither do they know the power of God. He straightens them out, telling them that when the dead rise, they won’t be marrying or being given in marriage. People will be like the angels in heaven. He then tells them God told Moses He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so he is the God of the living, not the dead.
Tomorrow, we’ll read Matthew 23 and Luke 20 - 21.
Until next time…
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