Matthew 26 and Mark 14
Have you ever wished you knew what would happen in your life? Would it make a difference in how you acted or reacted? From these two chapters, which basically recount the same events? It is clear from this that Jesus knew what was going to happen to him. Do you think it affected how he acted or reacted?
He knew he would be handed over to be crucified. He knew where he would eat the Passover meal and the person who would let him and his disciples share the Passover there. He knew one of his disciples would betray him and which disciple it was. He knew about the sacrifice he would make, that the bread and wine represented his body which was broken and his blood which was shed. He knew he would not drink wine with them until he drank it new with them in his Father’s Kingdom. He knew his friends would desert him and that he would go ahead of them to Galilee and would meet them there. He knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crows. He knew and told his disciples that his soul was crushed with grief to the point of death. He knew what awaited him and asked the Father to let the cup of suffering be taken away from him, but was willing to do God’s will, not his. He knew he had been betrayed by Judas. He knew he would be resurrected in three days.
Do you think knowing all of these things was beneficial to Jesus? Do you think it made his last few days any easier? Something to think about…
Tomorrow, we’ll read Luke 22 and John 13.
Until next time…
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