Friday, November 30, 2012

I Corinthians 5 – 8 and My Ford Escape

I Corinthians 5 – 8

Paul certainly didn’t mince words about the immorality going on in the Corinthian church. His analogy of a little yeast spreading through the whole batch of dough was very effective. Sin is pervasive and progressive. Paul also makes a clear distinction between Christians committing sexual sin and unbelievers. After all, what can you expect from unbelievers but to act like unbelievers? He urges Christians to run from sexual sin. After all, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and was given to us by God. “You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.”

Tomorrow, we’ll read I Corinthians 9 – 11.

My Ford Escape

Following are two pictures of my new (2003) Ford Escape. I got the tag today and will be taking it in to Jarrett-Scott Ford in Plant City on Monday. I expect it will take a couple of days to get all of the work done that needs to be done. I’m really looking forward to driving it.

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