Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Lot Done Today

Since I felt a little better this morning, I was able to get quite a bit done:

  1. Removed the rest of the curtains from the camper
  2. Laundered the curtains
  3. Removed the brackets from the valances and tossed them in the garbage; they just didn’t seem that necessary
  4. Took a couple of loads of stuff from the house to the camper and took care of it
  5. Finally got the last corner of the fitted sheet onto the double bed mattress
  6. Disposed of a lot of packaging from the camper
  7. Moved a box of books out to the pickup
  8. Got the scanner box out of the shed
  9. Packed up my scanner and put it in the pickup
  10. Got my electric cooler out of the shed and plugged it in
  11. Put a 24-pack of Diet Mountain Dew in the cooler after it got cold.
  12. Set up my Tom Tom on my new computer, which took a long time because the new computer treated it like a new Tom Tom and downloaded the maps to it, wiping out all of my Favorites, Points of Interest and my Homer Simpson Tom Tom voice.
  13. Hooked my Tom Tom up to my old computer and restored it
  14. Hooked my Tom Tom up to my new laptop and backed it up (it should be noted that every time you perform something like this it takes a couple of hours

It seems as if I had a productive day. Maybe that is why I am so tired that I’m going to bed at 9:10. Of course, I’ll probably read my new Glenn Beck book, The Overton Window. I’m anxious to spend a little time with the book.

Tomorrow, I’ll work more on loading the camper. After consulting with my brother, I have decided to wait until Saturday to leave. That way, I won’t have to contend with Atlanta traffic on a Friday afternoon.

Until next time…

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