Saturday, December 31, 2011

Read the Bible in 2012

Happy New Year, everyone. What better way to start off this New Year than be resolving to read the Bible through in 2012. Joni Eareckson Tada is encouraging everyone to read the Bible through chronologically in 2012. Download the schedule at:


Drink All You Want, Just Don’t Drink and Drive

Don’t forget, in many states AAA provides rides if you’ve had a little too much to drink – FOR FREE.

Remember, though, drinking all you want may have serious porcelain repercussions.


Did you see our president will be asking for another $1.5 trillion to be added to the debt limit. What! Isn’t $15 trillion enough?

Had a wonderful dinner at my niece Jane’s house today. The food she and her husband David made was simply scrumptious. I had a great time and really appreciated the invitation.

Until next time…

Friday, December 30, 2011

Serious Shopping

Today, I did some serious shopping: to Bed, Bath, and Beyond; to Kohl’s; to Sam’s; and finally, to Publix. I can’t believe how much more nuts cost than a year ago. I wanted to replace the nuts I had to throw out in my freezer.

Tonight, my friend Karen and I went to Kazbor’s for chicken wings. Yum! Yum! I think I will be gong to bed early tonight so I can get up early and make cornbread to take over to my niece’s. She’s hosting a New Year’s Eve party and has requested it. I’ll try to light my oven, but if I can’t, I’ll use my cousin’s oven.

Until next time…

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Beautiful Day in Florida

Today was a gorgeous day in Florida. It was a little chilly in the morning, but warmed up in the afternoon.

Last night, I felt a bit sick and put a mop bucket in the bedroom because I really thought I would be sick. Once again, unfortunately, I was right. About 3:30 this morning, I emptied the contents of my stomach into that very same mop bucket. After I finished being sick, I felt just fine and haven’t had any problems today.

I spent most of the day logging into a spreadsheet the groceries I just bought and a bunch more I bought in Georgia. It took most of the day, but it’s now done.

One of the gifts my brother and sister-in-law gave me for Christmas was a mandoline – not the instrument, but a slicer. Today, I tried it out. I made some potato chips in the microwave, using a recipe off the Internet. They turned out okay, but next time, I think I’ll try frying them.

I especially wanted the mandoline so I could slice stuff thin in preparation for drying them on my new de-hydrator.

My friend Kathy McGrath sent me the following:

Some Neat Billboards

These are actual billboards in Detroit, Michigan put up by GM.

This is definitely cool!
























I love them oldies

Pass this on to anyone who thinks old things can be cool !

Until next time…

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stinky, Stinky

The title says it all. The inside of my freezer and refrigerator were stinky, stinky. It took two hours to empty the spoiled food into THREE tall kitchen bags, and wash out the fridge and freezer.The freezer actually suffered a little less than the fridge. I don’t know why.

I got it all cleaned out and it was smelling okay, so I turned it back on and went to Publix. After a great breakfast at Waffle House, I spent $165 replenishing the food I had to toss. Of course, since i’ve gotten back, I’ve remembered a few other things I’ll eventually have to buy. By the time I returned, the temperature was where it should be and I put the groceries away, including new boxes of soda for the fridge and freezer..

My cousin Richard and I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Carrabba’s courtesy of my brother Jeff and sister-in-law Kathy. We both had our favorites: his is spaghetti with meatballs and sausage and mine is spaghetti with sausage and meat sauce.

By the way, I read on that food prices rose SIX percent last year and are expected to rise again this year. Hope you are all storing some food, even if it’s just buying a couple of extra things whenever you buy groceries. Or, if you can take advantage of buy one get one free and store the free one, that will save you money later.

Sorry to be so preachy and pessimistic about this, but if the economy tanks even more, things could get really dicey.

Happy birthday to my nephew Chris. (I should point out that this and my dinner with Richard has nothing to do with “Stinky, Stinky.”)

Until next time…

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home Again, Finally

Well, today I made it home, but it was certainly a long ride – about an hour and a half more than it should have taken. There were a couple of accidents, one of which backed up traffic at least 20 miles.

When I got home, I found that one of my breakers had sprung and everything in my refrigerator was spoiled. Fortunately, there wasn’t much in it because I knew I would be away a while. So I guess tomorrow I will be going to Publix and replacing some of the stuff. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed eat dry, cold cereal and some snacks. I guess I could have cooked something but I was a little tired.

As I was driving home today, I listened to Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing Lincoln. It is an extremely interesting book, written more like a novel than your typical history book. In a couple of weeks, I’d like to listen to it again. The book is read by Bill O’Reilly himself and he is an excellent “performer” almost as good as Jim Dale, the guy who performed the Harry6 Potter books. The only problem with his performance is that about 80% of the time he used the word Calvary (where Jesus was crucified) when he was referring to mounted forces (cavalry). Most of the times when he did this, I shouted the right word, but he didn’t pay any attention. :)

Well, tomorrow should be a busy day, so I guess I’ll sign off.

Until next time…

Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, I head for home. It’s supposed to rain in both Florida and Georgia. Hopefully, I’ll miss most of it.

Tonight, my brother made chicken wings and French friecs. I’m sure going to miss his cooking.

I’m pretty much done packing; just a few odds and ends to go, including my computer.

My nephew Chris is on the road, going to Missouri. His brother Greg headed for his apartment in Atlanta this afternoon.

Please pray for my sister-in-law Joyce and her family. She had a biopsy the other day and they discovered she has breast cancer. I know she’ll appreciate your prayers.

Until next time…

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Merry Christmas to you all.

Had a great day today with another wonderful dinner cooked by my brother Jeff.

Lots of really neat presents.

Until next itme…

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Ninety-four years ago today, Ira H (just the initial; no middle name) and Estella Pierson welcomed their eighth child, my mother, Ethelyn Mae, into this world. Mom had kind of a rough childhood. Within a couple of years of Mom’s birth, her mother passed away and her early years were spent moving around, sometimes being left for months with friends or relatives.

Eventually, my grandfather married Jenny Mays. To Mom, Jenny became her mother. Unfortunately, tragedy struck again and Jenny lost a long battle with cancer.

It’s strange, in spite of these troubles, my Mom was one of the most optimistic, ready-for-life people I have ever known. She always worked hard. She had to. My Dad left us when I was seven, shortly before my brother Jeff was born. We never heard from him again until I was in college and then only because the Sheriff went to Pennsylvania to pick him up at his brother Pete’s funeral.

Mom had only gone through the tenth grade because her father did not believe in women attending school. But, Mom loved to read and this helped make up for her lack of formal education. She took great interest in current events and was a staunch conservative and great patriot.

Money wasn’t plentiful while my brothers and I were growing up and, sometimes, the electric company would shut off our power, but we had something more important than money: our mother’s love and support. We never went hungry, but we ate a lot of potatoes and macaroni.

I miss my Mom every day and look forward to seeing her on the other side.

Happy birthday, Mom!

Until next time…

Friday, December 23, 2011

We Bought A Zoo

Today, I saw the movie We Bought a Zoo. It was a terrific movie – lots of laughter, cute animals, snakes and other wild animals, Matt Damon did a fine job of acting – better than anything else I’ve seen him in although I thought Scarlett Johansen’s portrayal was a little stiff. There are lots of characters in this movie. If you get a chance, be sure to see it.

It’s been in the 60’s today and, for the first time in a couple of days, no rain.

Hard to believe that Christmas is the day after tomorrow. Hope all of you folks are ready for the big day.

Until next time…

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Short Prayer

I got this in an email and thought I would share it with you:

In church on Sunday, I overheard the little old lady in the pew next to me saying a short private prayer.  It was so sweet and sincere that I just had to share it with you . 

Dear Lord, 

    These past couple of years has been tough.... You have taken my favorite Actor Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress Elizabeth Taylor, my favorite Cowboy James Arness, my favorite athlete Bob Feller, my favorite singer Lena Horne and my favorite salesman Billy Mays.

    I just wanted you to know that my favorite president is Barack Obama.

Lots of rain here today and tonight. My brother made ribs, scalloped potatoes and corn for dinner… yum yum.

I’ve really been enjoying some of the games I downloaded (mostly for free) on my Kindle Fire: Euchre, Uno, Gin Rummy, Spades, Solitaire, an anatomy game, and some other learning games. What a great lot of fun!

Until next time…

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

This morning, I went to AMC Discover Mills to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, starring Daniel Craig and Christopher Plummer. It’s a fast-paced movie which pretty much mirrors the book. There is some nudity and a few pretty graphic sex  scenes, but it is a good movie based on a better book.

It was raining again today, but I wore my jacket so I didn’t get too wet or cold. I did get cold after I woke from my hour-long nap, however, but my long-sleeved shirt soon warmed me up.

Since I was up early this morning, I took the opportunity to hem up my fleece pants. It went fairly well, but sewing is still not one of my favorite things.

That’s about it for my day. Hope you’re having a great time during this Christmas season.

By the way, did you hear that Whoopi Goldberg is reported to have said that communism is a great concept and makes perfect sense. She is being pilloried for this, but what people seem to forget is that she said that “on paper” it makes perfect sense. But once you put a human being in power, it shifts. We saw it in Russian, we’ve seen it all around the world.” She had to know this would cause criticism when she made the remarks.

Of course, if people weren’t so human, Communism might work, but people like power and are basically greedy so the reality of Communism is it will NEVER work.

Until next time…

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rainy Tuesday

Today, I wanted to go to Walgreen’s and picked the rainiest part of the day to do so. The store wasn’t crowded but I faithfully walked up and down all of the aisles and got the stuff I went for.

After I got back to the house, I couldn’t get warm – the rain was so cold and I got a little damp. I’m comfortable now.

Tomorrow, I think I’ll go to AMC Discover Mills and see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Daniel Craig, who is one of my favorite actors, stars in it (not as the girl with the tattoo). She is played by someone I never heard of.

I downloaded some games onto my Kindle Fire today: Euchre, Spades, and Hangman. I’ve played the Euchre quite a bit. It’s fun. I also downloaded the I Heart Radio app for my Kindle Fire. It works just as well as it does on my iPhone.

I started a book called Watermelons: The Green Movement’s True Colors. It is so easy to read in spite of the fact that it deals with some pretty weighty subjects.

Well, tonight is NCIS and NCIS-LA so I guess I’ll post this.

Until next time…

Monday, December 19, 2011


My cousin sent me this:


This was sent to me, I am forwarding it because it does touch a nerve in me.
This is another example of what Rick Perry called
"TREASON in high places" !!! Get angry and pass this on!

Remember, not only did you contribute to Social Security but your employer did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If you averaged only $30K over your working life, that's close to $220,500.
If you calculate the future value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what the govt. pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working you'd have $892,919.98.

If you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you retire at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.

The folks in Washington have pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madhoff ever had.

Entitlement my ass, I paid cash for my social security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!

Congressional benefits ---- free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call my social security retirement entitlements?

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless.

In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile , and Turkey . And now Pakistan ......home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!

They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives and now when it's time for us to collect, the government is running out of money. Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.

Sad isn't it?

…. My friend Karen sent this very interesting piece:

Do you remember Kilroy?




This is interesting ... I have often wondered about Kilroy ... now I know. Great piece of history.

Anyone born in the mid thirties (or earlier) knew Kilroy. We didn't know why but we had lapel pins with       his nose hanging over the label and the top of his face above his nose with his hands hanging over the label too. I believe it was orange colored. No one knew why he was so well known but we all joined in!

Kind of a war story ? now we know!


In 1946 the American Transit Association, through its radio program, "Speak to America ," sponsored a nationwide contest to find the REAL Kilroy, offering a prize of a real trolley car to the person who could prove himself to be the genuine article.

Almost 40 men stepped forward to make that claim, but only James Kilroy from Halifax , Massachusetts, had evidence of his identity.

Kilroy was a 46-year old shipyard worker during the war who

worked as a checker at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy .

His job was to go around and check on the number of rivets
        completed. Riveters were on piecework and got paid by the rivet.

Kilroy would count a block of rivets and put a check mark in semi-waxed lumber chalk, so the rivets wouldn't be counted twice. When Kilroy went off duty, the riveters would erase the mark.

Later on, an off-shift inspector would come through and count the rivets a second time, resulting in double pay for the riveters.

One day Kilroy's boss called him into his office. The foreman was upset about all the wages being paid to riveters, and asked him to investigate. It was then he realized what had been going on.

The tight spaces he had to crawl in to check the rivets didn't lend themselves to lugging around a paint can and brush, so Kilroy decided to stick with the waxy chalk. He continued to put his checkmark on each job he inspected, but added KILROY WAS HERE in king-sized letters next to the check, and eventually added the sketch of the chap with the long nose peering over the fence and that became part of the Kilroy message. Once he did that, the riveters stopped trying to wipe away his marks.

Ordinarily the rivets and chalk marks would have been covered up with paint. With war on, however, ships were leaving the Quincy Yard so fast that there wasn't time to paint them.

As a result, Kilroy's inspection "trademark" was seen by

thousands of servicemen who boarded the troopships the yard produced. His message apparently rang a bell with the servicemen, because they picked it up and spread it all over Europe and the South Pacific. Before war's end,"Kilroy" had been here, there, and everywhere on the long hauls to Berlin and Tokyo .

To the troops outbound in those ships, however, he was a complete mystery; all they knew for sure was that some jerk named Kilroy had "been there first." As a joke, U.S. 

servicemen began placing the graffiti wherever they landed, claiming it was already there when they arrived.

Kilroy became the U.S. super-GI who had always "already been" wherever GIs went. It became a challenge to place the logo in the most unlikely places imaginable (it is said to be atop Mt. Everest , the Statue of Liberty, the underside of l ? Arc De 
Triomphe, and even scrawled in the dust on the moon).

As the war went on, the legend grew. Underwater demolition teams routinely sneaked ashore on Japanese-held islands in the Pacific to map the terrain for coming invasions by U.S.

troops (and thus, presumably, were the first GI's there).

On one occasion, however, they reported seeing enemy troops painting over the Kilroy logo! In 1945, an outhouse was built for the exclusive use of Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill at the Potsdam conference. Its? first occupant was Stalin, who emerged and asked his aide (in Russian), "Who is Kilroy?"

To help prove his authenticity in 1946, James Kilroy brought along officials from the shipyard and some of the riveters. He won the trolley car, which he gave to his nine children as a Christmas gift and set it up as a playhouse in the Kilroy front
        yard in Halifax , Massachusetts ..

If you check the WWII memorial in Washington DC , you will see Kilroy peeking over a wall!!!

So, Now you know!

It’s 12:47 am and I realized as I was going to sleep that I had not posted this. It was done, but unposted.

Until next time…

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Re: 2/12/2012

My cousin Richard sent me these emails:

Somehow the truth hurts, and this may be it.

In the coming New Year, 2012, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day.
This is an ironic juxtaposition of events.
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant
creature of little intelligence for prognostication.
The other involves a groundhog.


It doesn't matter what party you belong to - this is hilarious.
From a show on Canadian TV, there was a  comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.
"Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we ever got to having a real black man as President.

Number 1 - He played the sax.

Number 2 - He smoked weed.

Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.

Even now? Look at him ... his wife works, and he doesn't! And, he gets a check from the government every month. Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with " Clinton Soup," in honor of one of the nations' distinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.

Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built inCanada .

When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."

The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I think you need to know."

Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."

... ya gotta love it!


The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol for the President.
It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks.

Well, my nephew Chris gets back from Fort Rucker tonight, then he’ll be on his way to a new assignment for 6-9 months. I guess he won’t be here for Christmas or his birthday (12/28) so I think we’ll be having his Christmas a little early.

Today I did something I rarely do: I made a case for the pad I heat in the microwave using a piece of cloth, a needle and thread. It turned out okay. I remember taking home ec and learning to sew with a sewing machine. In fact, I had a sewing machine until I moved to Thonotosassa, but I have to thank my girl scout leader, Mrs. Dutton, for teaching me how to sew by hand, including blind stitching we used to make reversible vests. I did hem a pair of pants a week or so ago, but sewing something together like this case was somewhat different.

I bought another pair of pants that have to be hemmed, but I’ll do that tomorrow.

Until next time…

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Kid’s View of the Christmas Story

My friend Karen sent me the following link to a kid’s view of the Christmas story. It is precious.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law sent me the following with the caption “A picture is worth 1000 words.”


Isn’t it the truth?

A quiet day with a trip to Walmart to get a new toilet seat (which I installed for my brother) and some prepper odds and ends (an assortment of needles, an assortment of safety pins, some thread (black and white), and a replacement of a couple of pieces of fabric I inadvertently (read stupidly) threw away the other day. I’m making a cover for the pad I heat in the microwave since it’s getting pretty dirty.

I looked through a Hungarian Cookbook I downloaded.and  highlighted a bunch of recipes I want to try.

Well, dinner (chicken wings) is almost ready so I’ll post this.

Until next time…

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

This morning, I went to AMC Colonial 18 to see the latest Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law. It was easily as good as the first one with lots of twists and surprises. This is an amazing movie which I think everyone will enjoy. I may have to see it again since the action moves so fast, it’s easy to lose track of what is happening or what just happened.

I spent the afternoon wrapping Christmas presents.

Since I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night, I am heading for bed right now.

Until next time…

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Parakeet Named Pete

A picture on Facebook today reminded me of my Aunt Ruth, my cousin Ethelyn and cousin Richard’s mom.


For as far back as I remember, Aunt Ruth had a parakeet and she always named that parakeet Pete. Aunt Ruth’s husband, my Uncle Nate, was a terrible tease. He knew how much my Aunt Iona was afraid of birds and, whenever my Aunt Iona would visit, he would release the parakeet from its cage. Aunt Iona would scream and carry on till he put the bird back.

My brother made the best dinner today: BBQ pork ribs, macaroni salad and Waldorf salad. I had to force myself to stop eating. It was that good.

I spent a couple of hours over at Walmart today, picking up a few things, but mostly just enjoying the leisurely walk.

My friend Karen sent me a link to a neat Christmas Card:

MERRY CHRISTMAS  & All the Best throughout

2012 to you and yours!
Click on Christmas Card >>>>>> "Christmas Card"

Until next time…

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Descendants with George Clooney

This morning I visited AMC Discover Mills and saw the movie Descendants with George Clooney. Apparently, I was NOT paying attention when I saw the previews, because I thought it was a comedy. It was not. It was a tear-jerker – almost all of the way through the movie. And yet, it was a good movie. It takes place in beautiful Hawaii and has some wonderful footage of the scenery from Hawaii.

I just finished A Victorian Christmas: An Anthology by Catherine Palmer. There were four separate excellent Christmas stories set in Victorian times. The stories deal with the real meaning of Christmas.

Yesterday, I spoke of higher prices, but I guess we’re not as bad as Norway where butter is selling for $500 (yes, that’s five hundred dollars) per pound. Can you believe it? Hope you are all continuing to stock up on essentials.

Also, did anyone see NCIS-LA Tuesday night? It dealt with EMP’s (Electro Magnetic Pulses). Very scary.

Until next time…

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Awesome Video

If you want to see some awesome video – 3D like without glasses – check out:

Our National Debt

The Blaze reports that since Obama took office, our national debt has increased as follows:

$48,994 per second works out to almost $3 million dollars per minute ($2,939,640)


$176,378,400 per hour


$4,233,081,600 per day – More than four billion dollars of added debt per day.

See more on this at:

Independence USA

Glenn Beck announced today that GBTV will be hosting a new reality show called Independence USA. It will air on Wednesdays beginning January 18th. The family will face life off the grid. You can see more about this at

Anyone who was a fan of the TV show Jericho will probably appreciate this program. If the economic collapse many people are predicting comes true, this show might just be a lifesaver. I hope everyone is buying extra food, clothing and other essentials. Prices are skyrocketing. Publix used to occasionally feature Lay’s potato chips at 2 for $5.00. Today, the special price was 2 for $7.00.  Emerald nuts are another product I noticed the price of today. I used to buy them when they had a special buy one get one free sale, but that was when the price was $5.99 per can. They are now $6.99 per can. I don’t think I’ll even do a buy one get one free at that price.

I’m continuing to stock up on items that are good for a couple of years if they are at buy one get one free, but my space is quite limited. Hope you are prepping in case the economy collapses.

On another note, did you see the discussion of what could happen if the US suffered an EMP attack? See the following Fox News report:

Until next time…

Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Great Day

I never even put my shoes on today, just kind of vegged around the house.

Jeff made meat loaf, raw-fried potatoes and corn for dinner. It’s probably the best meat loaf I’ve ever eaten. I wanted to just keep shoveling it in my mouth no matter how full I got, but you’ll be glad to know I was very restrained.

I was awake until 3:45 am reading some terrific books. including Mary’s Son: A Tale of Christmas by Darryl Nyznyk.  This is one of my free Kindle books from eReader News Today. It was simply delightful and involved some magic, some time travel and the true meaning of Christmas.

Well, tonight’s The Closer and Rizzoli and Isles so I’ll sign off a little early.

Until next time…

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Wonderful Day

Today was a wonderful day – I had a great night’s sleep (and that always helps), I read a couple of really great books: Christmas Redemption and The Married Man’s Guide to Christmas, we had a wonderful dinner with KFC chicken, my brother’s homemade mashed potatoes, gravy (though I didn’t eat any of that because I’m not fond of gravy, except Popeye’s), stuffing, green beans.  To top it all off,  my nephew Greg and Kathy’s mom joined us.

Sorry to see that the Bucs lost – let’s just say that got wiped out, but the Falcons came from behind to win – a complete surprise.

Kathy and her mother decorated the tree – it’s just gorgeous. In fact, the whole house is rather festive.

Well, I’d loke to polish off another book before I go to sleep – I’ve read 28 books in the last couple of weeks, but I don’t think I’ll ever catch up.

Until next time…

Saturday, December 10, 2011


My Talented Nephew and Niece

My nephew Don and his wife Marlena created a masterpiece in gingerbread titled The Thomas Point Lighthouse. They won first prize in the professional division.



More Ridiculous Climate Change News

Did you hear that the UN is calling for ‘International Climate Court of Justice’ which could force nations to pay ‘climate debt?’ I think we can all guess who would pay the most. 


**A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!"
His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?
The son replied, "I do know!"
"Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?"
"That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.' (This one is my favorites)

How to Fix Congress

I’m not sure about the Warren Buffet’s part in this, but there is wisdom here anyway.

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed

_*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*_

1. No Tenure / No Pension.
A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the
Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into
the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the
American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all
Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and
participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the
American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void
effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this
contract with Congressmen/women.
Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers
envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their
term(s), then go home and back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will
only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive
the message. Don't you think it's time?


Until next time…

Friday, December 9, 2011

What’s Up with These Buildings?

Have you seen this picture of these buildings?image

Do they remind you of anything? They are of Korean origin and have caused quite a stir. Whose idea was this anyway? I’m hoping to learn more in the future and will try to bring you any news I hear.

I made a quick visit to Publix today where I took advantage of a number of Buy One Get One Free offers. Boy, those really help the food budget.

I’ve been reading up a storm. I read another book before going to sleep last night and two this morning. I’m almost through with some more. The best part: none of them cost me a SINGLE PENNY. I did download a set of six books today for my Kindle, but they only cost $2.99.

I will have quite a large library if this keeps up and will never have to worry about what to read. I’ve only found one or two books that I started and didn’t want to finish.

Until next time…

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Some Cute Signs

A friend sent me an email with the following. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, especially the “delighted” one.

Sign over a Gynecologist's Office:
"Dr. Jones, at your cervix."
In a Podiatrist's office:
"Time wounds all heels."
On a Septic Tank Truck:
Yesterday's Meals on Wheels
At a Proctologist's door:
"To expedite your visit, please back in. "
On a Plumber's truck:
"We repair what your husband fixed."
On another Plumber's truck:
"Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber."
On a Church's Bill board:
"7 days without God makes one weak."
At a Tire Shop in Milwaukee :
"Invite us to your next blowout."

At a Towing company:
"We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows.."
On an Electrician's truck:
"Let us remove your shorts.."
******** ******************
In a Nonsmoking Area:
"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."
On a Maternity Room door:
"Push. Push. Push."
At an Optometrist's Office:
"If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."
On a Taxidermist's window:
"We really know our stuff."
On a Fence:
"Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive!"
At a Car Dealership:
"The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment."
Outside a Muffler Shop:
"No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."
In a Veterinarian's waiting room:
"Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"
At the Electric Company
"We would be delighted if you send in your payment.
However, if you don't, you will be."
In a Restaurant window:
"Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up."
In the front yard of a Funeral Home:
"Drive carefully. We'll wait."
At a Propane Filling Station:
"Thank heaven for little grills."
And don't forget the sign at a
"Best place in town to take a leak."
Sign on the back of another Septic Tank Truck:
"Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises"

I’m currently reading one of my free Kindle books: Meet Me in Nuthatch. It’s a pretty good book.

Never left the house today, but I had a great 2-hour nap. It’s amazing how restful a good nap can be.

How sad that Virginia Tech is in the news again because of a shooter!

I watched Corzine lying (whoops, testifying) in the Congressional hearing today. He was the boss – the $1 billion plus should come from his assets.

Until next time…

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Colder Tonight

By morning, it’s expected to go down to 28 degrees here. I’m sure glad I don’t have any reason to go outside for the next few days.

Nothing much going on today except I did 4 loads of laundry. Isn’t that exciting? I don’t know how I stand it.

I did finish The Bride Price. It was a great book. Now, I’m ready to pick one of the others I’ve downloaded. There are quite a few to choose from.

My brother made macaroni and cheese for dinner. We also had pork chops and tossed salad. Everything was really delicious.

I could not believe the speech Obama made in Kansas, almost admitting he’s a socialist/communist. It was so full of false premises, I couldn’t believe it. I really hope the American people can see through this attempt at class warfare.

Our Congress has not produced a budget in 985 days for which there is NO excuse. During a good lot of that time, Democrats controlled the House and the Senate, so there is NO excuse.

Until next time…

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Wet Tuesday

Today, I dodged the raindrops and finished my Christmas shopping, except for just one item I still have to get. It is a great relief to have it done – did I mention it was already wrapped (well, put in Christmas bags)?

I downloaded several more apps on my Kindle Fire today, including some games: Blackjack, Gin Rummy, Poker, Crossword Lite, and Texas Hold ‘em.

I’m currently read a somewhat interesting book called The Bride Price – not my normal cup of teas. The heroine has already traveled back in time to The Civil War. I think her husband will be next. 

If you have a Kindle and aren’t taking advantage of the free Kindle books, you probably should be. I download between 4 and 8 each day. I have no idea when I’ll get to read them all, but they don’t spoil so I refuse to worry about it.

Today would have been my aunt Iona’s 106th birthday. She was twelve years older than my mother and was a tremendous influence on me and my brothers. She lived right across the street from us and never gave us a hard time about us making ourselves as at home in her house as in our own. I still miss her a lot and find myself repeating things I’ve heard her say or hearing her voice in my ear about various things. When we were young and TV was just getting popular, she let us watch TV with her. Of course, there weren’t that many channels (just 3 and mostly snowy), but we had no problem watching what she watched including Sing Along with Mitch (Miller), The Fireside Theater, and many others.

Until next time…

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Muppets

I loved the Muppets and I really loved the recent movie with The Muppets, Jason Segel, Amy Adams and a cast of actors making cameo appearances. It was absolutely delightful. I was surprised to see it was co-written by Jason Segel and someone whose name I don’t remember. If you get a chance, go see it. You’ll love it.


A friend sent me the following story about:

The Bridge and The Bear

This bridge is on the Old Donner Pass Highway .
It has a spectacular view of Donner Lake and
Donner Pass on Route 40.

A bear was walking across Rainbow Bridge ( Old Hwy 40 at
Donner Summit , Truckee ) on Saturday when two cars, also
crossing the bridge, scared the bear into jumping over the
edge of the bridge. Somehow the bear caught the ledge
and was able to pull itself to safety. Authorities decided
that nothing could be done to help Saturday night so they
returned Sunday morning to find the bear sound asleep on
the ledge.


After securing a net under the bridge the bear was tranquilized,
fell into the net, lowered, then woke up and walked out of the net.

There is a moral to this story; this old bear made
a wrong move and found he was hanging by his nails. Somehow he was able to pull himself up onto the ledge where he saw he was in a very bad, impossible situation and what did he do? Yep, he took a nap and sure enough, God took care of the situation while he was asleep.

The moral of the story is that when confronted with a bad
situation, sometimes the best solution is to take a nap and
let God take care of the rest. I think I'm going to take a nap right now. God is on the job.
Hugs, Prayers and Sweet Dreams.

Until next time…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Free Books and American Heroes

Free Books:

If you like to read as much as I do and you have an Amazon Kindle or Amazon Kindle Fire, you can get DAILY announcements of FREE books for your Kindle:

If you would like to have the daily emails of free Kindle books and other Kindle news sent to your inbox sign up here.

I just finished downloading SEVEN free books. I don’t know when I’ll get to read them, but this may be my only chance to get them for free. The ones I’ve gotten so far have been wonderful.

Yesterday, I downloaded one called Curious Folks Ask 2. I’ve learned so much just from the few pages of that book I have read.

American Heroes

Old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down

The flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can

           Find out who, exactly, that old man was. He was a Choctaw Indian to begin with. 

On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg, Mississippi.

Didn't make much news back then.

Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Carano , Italy ,

Van T. Barfoot,who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to

Flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming

Down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield,

Took out three enemy machine gun positions and returned

With 17 prisoners of war.


If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and

Destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions.


That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the

War, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a colonel after

Also serving in Korea and Vietnam , a Congressional Medal of Honor.



What did make news was a neighborhood association's quibble with

How the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside

His suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be

Flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such

As Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were unsuitable.



He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was

Facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made

National TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position

And agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them.



"In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag without

Interference," Barfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should.

And if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they

Might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not

Real good at backing down.


Van T. Barfoot's Medal of Honor citation:


This 1944 Medal of Honor citation, listed with the National Medal of Honor

Society, is for Second Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry:


If you got this email and didn't pass it on - guess what - you deserve

To get your butt kicked! I sent this to you, because I didn't want to get

MY butt kicked.




Until next time…

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another Gorgeous Day in Georgia

This kind of says it all:


Wow, she must have been really good at her job.
At the top right hand corner of page 17 of the New York Post, January 24, 2009, was a column entitled, "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review, The Week.
Here it is as it appeared:
"Some employees are simply irreplaceable.  Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical Center hired her in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting'.
In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.
Her husband, Barack Obama, had just become a U.S. Senator.  He requested a $1 million "Earmark" for the UC Medical Center.  Way to network, Michelle!
Now that Mrs. Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled.  How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?
Let me add that Michelle's position was a part-time, 20-hours-a-week job.

20hrs. X 52 weeks = 1,040 hours per year

$317,000 divided by 1,040 hours = $304.80 per hour.

My thoughts:  How did this bit of "quid pro quo" (scratch my back - I'll scratch yours) corruption escape the sharp reporters that dug through Sarah Palin's garbage and kindergarten files?
I hope this is forwarded so many times that the media will HAVE to cover it..
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
    Depression is when you lose your job.
         Recovery is when
Obama loses his job!


I finished 10 People Every Christian Should Know. What a great book with lots of suggestions of ways to learn more about those 10 people, people like Spurgeon, J Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, A.W. Tozer, Dwight L. Moody, etc..

I also scanned the Easy Appetizer Book I downloaded for free from Amazon. There were a couple of really good-looking appetizers I might try once I get home such as bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers and bacon cups with fruit salad. What recipe isn’t made just that much better with bacon?

I also started a book by Steve Shipside which references Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth. It’s not something that is conducive a reading right through. Franklin was so wise and each of the points he makes should be thought about for a while.

I also read about half way through Laugh Out Loud Jokes for Kids by Rob Elliott. I laughed right out loud at most of the jokes.

Right now, I’m in the middle of Rita Morse and the Sinister Shadow, a book written for teens, but well-written and intriguing anyway.

Why are people so human? Look at Herman Cain. I had such hopes for him, but couldn’t support him now. I really don’t care for Romney or Gingrich that much and the others I might support don’t look like they stand a chance. One shining truth though is that ANY ONE of them would be better than Obama.

Until next time…

Friday, December 2, 2011

Bass Pro Shop

Today, I finished the book All I Want for Christmas Is You by Lisa Mondel. It was an okay love story and was good for passing a little time. I’m currently reading a book by Warren W. Wiersbe called 10 People Every Christian Should Know. It’s a good book and I’ve already read about Matthew Henry and Jonathon Edwards.

I went to Bass Pro Shop today and walked around. It’s a pretty good way to get a little exercise and they have lots of interesting stuff to look at. I intended to shop for a replacement for my Spyderco knife, but there were 13 people in line ahead of me and the line was just not moving. I figure I can go back again sometime. When I got back to the house, my brother Jeff offered me a folding knife he had found 20 or so years ago on the golf course. It can’t be opened with one hand, but it will do the trick.

It was 28 degrees when I woke up at 7 this morning, but by afternoon, it was gorgeous – about 64 and sunny.

Tonight we had BBQ beef ribs. Jeff started them in the oven and finished them on the grill – simply scrumptious. The macaroni salad he made to accompany it was a big hit also.

Until next time…

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Quiet Day

It was a bit warmer here today, but I still stayed inside. I finally finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  It really was a page turner once I got into it though I wasn’t too thrilled  by the ending. Of course, things will no doubt work themselves out in the next two books: The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Stirred The Hornet’s Nest. Rather than buy these though, I’m waiting until I get home where I can take them out of the library.

Today, I downloaded the book I will be listening to on the way home: Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly. It should make the trip back much more enjoyable.

Not much else going on here.

Until next time…