Friday, December 9, 2011

What’s Up with These Buildings?

Have you seen this picture of these buildings?image

Do they remind you of anything? They are of Korean origin and have caused quite a stir. Whose idea was this anyway? I’m hoping to learn more in the future and will try to bring you any news I hear.

I made a quick visit to Publix today where I took advantage of a number of Buy One Get One Free offers. Boy, those really help the food budget.

I’ve been reading up a storm. I read another book before going to sleep last night and two this morning. I’m almost through with some more. The best part: none of them cost me a SINGLE PENNY. I did download a set of six books today for my Kindle, but they only cost $2.99.

I will have quite a large library if this keeps up and will never have to worry about what to read. I’ve only found one or two books that I started and didn’t want to finish.

Until next time…

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