Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home Again, Finally

Well, today I made it home, but it was certainly a long ride – about an hour and a half more than it should have taken. There were a couple of accidents, one of which backed up traffic at least 20 miles.

When I got home, I found that one of my breakers had sprung and everything in my refrigerator was spoiled. Fortunately, there wasn’t much in it because I knew I would be away a while. So I guess tomorrow I will be going to Publix and replacing some of the stuff. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed eat dry, cold cereal and some snacks. I guess I could have cooked something but I was a little tired.

As I was driving home today, I listened to Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing Lincoln. It is an extremely interesting book, written more like a novel than your typical history book. In a couple of weeks, I’d like to listen to it again. The book is read by Bill O’Reilly himself and he is an excellent “performer” almost as good as Jim Dale, the guy who performed the Harry6 Potter books. The only problem with his performance is that about 80% of the time he used the word Calvary (where Jesus was crucified) when he was referring to mounted forces (cavalry). Most of the times when he did this, I shouted the right word, but he didn’t pay any attention. :)

Well, tomorrow should be a busy day, so I guess I’ll sign off.

Until next time…

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