Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Wonderful Day

Today was a wonderful day – I had a great night’s sleep (and that always helps), I read a couple of really great books: Christmas Redemption and The Married Man’s Guide to Christmas, we had a wonderful dinner with KFC chicken, my brother’s homemade mashed potatoes, gravy (though I didn’t eat any of that because I’m not fond of gravy, except Popeye’s), stuffing, green beans.  To top it all off,  my nephew Greg and Kathy’s mom joined us.

Sorry to see that the Bucs lost – let’s just say that got wiped out, but the Falcons came from behind to win – a complete surprise.

Kathy and her mother decorated the tree – it’s just gorgeous. In fact, the whole house is rather festive.

Well, I’d loke to polish off another book before I go to sleep – I’ve read 28 books in the last couple of weeks, but I don’t think I’ll ever catch up.

Until next time…

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