Monday, October 31, 2011


“USDA Predicts Surging Food Prices in Coming Year” 

is the title an article on which describes predictions by the USDA that food prices will rise 3.5 to 4.5 percent this year. A trip to the grocery store will probably convince you that this is true. To see the rest of the article, go to:

The Tehran Initiative

Joel C. Rosenberg, author of The Tehran Initiative, is saying we “may see more Bible prophecies in the near future.” I love his books. They are hard to put down once you start reading them. See more on this at

Happy Halloween!

Today is my friend Dianne Webber’s favorite day of the whole year: Halloween.  Happy Halloween to everyone, but especially Dianne.

Played cards with the cousins again tonight. Had a lot of fun even though I didn’t win. Very tired right now, so I think I’ll hit the hay. Tomorrow, we’re going to Clearwater Marine Aquarium and hope to see the famous Winter the dolphin.

Until next time…

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Great Dinner

Had a great time today, spending time with my cousins. Then, we had a great dinner: steaks done on the grill, baked potatoes, green beans, spinach and salad.

After dinner, we played Crazy Rummy then Golf (not the game played with clubs unless you count the suit of clubs). Golf is kind of a neat game that I have never played before.

We had a lot of fun. Tomorrow, Ethelyn and Elwyn are going to the Webster Flea Market – another adventure I’m skipping.

Isn’t it sad that snow and cold has come so early to NY? Those poor Wall Street occupiers! Yeah, right.

Until next time…

Saturday, October 29, 2011

No Flea Market for Me

Today, Ethelyn, Elwyn and Richard went to the Oldsmar Flea Market. I stayed home and did something more interesting: laundry. I guess that shows just how much I can’t stand flea markets, almost any kind of shopping.

Before they left for the flea market (around 10 this morning), Ethelyn talked with Elwyn’s sister Alice (affectionately known as Tinky). She was on a stretcher on her way to the hospital. She had fallen at 7 this morning and couldn’t get up. I haven’t heard anything since as to how she’s doing. Would you keep her in your prayers?

How sad about the NATO troops that were killed in Afghanistan. Imagine having a loved one over there and hearing about this without knowing who they were. Pray for the families and friends of these fine soldiers.

Until next time…

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fish Fry Friday and Crazy Rummy

Not much going on today. I went to Publix for a few groceries then back home to update some of the photos my cousins took of our cousin Paula’s wedding, then copied them to CDs for them.

Later, we went to The Sugar Shack for a delicious fish fry. Yummy!

A card game was on the table when we got home – Crazy Rummy. The four of us played and I actually won. Believe me, that almost never happens.

Well, I’m no exhausted I think it’s time to go to bed.

Until next time…

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gaylord Palms

Today, Ethelyn, Elwyn and Richard drove to Orlando to the Gaylord Palms resort to meet with Ethelyn and Elwyn’s niece Tammy and her husband Tom who were there from Painted Post, NY for a conference.

What a beautiful hotel the Gaylord Palms is. Their room was beautiful. I have a few pictures to share with you:

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Within the hotel is a large pool complete with sailboat. There are quite a few fish swimming in the water, including a couple of very nice tarpon.

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There is another area within the hotel named “Castillo de San Marcos” (yep, just like in St. Augustine). In one of the rooms was a Mel Fischer exhibit complete with gold bars and other interesting items.

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Considering the price of gold, don’t you wish you had these bars?


smVisit Tom and Tammy-31There were a number of areas filled with greenery, koi, alligators, and turtles.

smVisit Tom and Tammy-32This is a picture of Ethelyn, Tammy and Elwyn.  

While we were in the hotel room, I found out I have an iPhone app that allows me to zoom in. As you can see by the following two pictures, zooming to the max makes for a grainy picture. The left picture was taken at normal; the right picture is zoomed to the max. I expect something in between would work much better.

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Well, it’s been a long day.

Until next time…

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In Florida, No Less!

I think I may have mentioned some incidents where American judges are using Sharia law to make decisions. Imagine my surprise when I saw on that Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard A. Nielsen “ruled that ‘ecclesiastical Islamic law’ would be cited in the case” and the Florida Appeals Court upheld it!  You can read the entire story at:

New Glasses

This morning, I went to Brandon and ordered some new glasses. I used to go to Lens-crafters, but this time I went to Sam’s Club. The cost was about one-half of what I paid last year for my glasses. The doctor who examined my eyes was terrific: very friendly and efficient. I’ll go there again the next time.

Canada and Gun Registration

I was so pleased to see that the Canadian government has abolished shotgun and rifle registration. While Canada is adding gun rights, our government is seeking to restrict our right to bear arms.

A New Supporter

David Duke, Nazi racist, has announced his support for Occupy Wall Street. He raved and ranted about the dirty Zionists – more anti-Semitism. Who would ever have thought we would hear such anti-Semitic speech in this country! Stand with Israel!

Until next time…

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Did You Hear?

It’s so much fun to spend time with my family – Ethelyn, Elwyn and Richard. They went to the flea market in Zephyrhills today, but I didn’t since that is NOT my thing. I did spend the afternoon with them though, as well as eating dinner.

I did manage to break my glasses today so tomorrow I’ll be getting some new glasses. Actually, I could probably get by with them the way they are (the left lens won’t stay in) because of my lazy eye. I don’t notice any difference in my ability to see. But, it’s been a while anyway.

Did you hear that Michelle Obama was disbarred (last her law license) in Illinois in 1993. Check out the link here:

Did you hear that the state of Tennessee has joined with TSA to implement highway checkpoints with random searches in a move to counter terrorism? What happened to the Fourth Amendment disallowing illegal searches?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Did you hear about the Saudi cleric who is offering $100,000 to anyone who kidnaps an Israeli soldier? See the article including his ridiculous Facebook profile picture at:,7340,L-4138982,00.html

Until next time…

Monday, October 24, 2011


My friend Karen sent this to me – I never knew about Hiroshima and Nagasaki coming back so dramatically.

Take a look at this in the light of the rhetoric re; atomic energy plants and GLOBAL WARMING,



66 years later!clip_image001

What happened to the radiation that was reported to
Last thousands of years?
We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed
In August 1945 after the explosion of atomic bombs.
However, we know little about the progress made by the people
Of that land during the past 65 years.
HIROSHIMA - 65 YEARS LATER (Home of Toyo Kogyo Co. LTD. Aka Mazda)

What has caused more long-term destruction:
The A-bomb, or the U.S. Government welfare programs
Created to buy the votes of those who want someone
To take care of them?
Japan does not have a welfare system.

You either work for it, or do without!

Which system is working better???



Did You Know Feds Will Temporarily Cut Off All TV and Radio Broadcasts on Nov. 9?

If you have ever wondered about the government’s ability to control the civilian airwaves, you will have your answer on November 9th.

On that day, federal authorities are going to shut off all television and radio communications simultaneously at 2:00PM EST to complete the first ever test of the national Emergency Alert System (EAS).

This isn’t a wild conspiracy theory. The upcoming test is posted on the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau website.

Only the President has the authority to activate EAS at the national level, and he has delegated that authority to the Director of FEMA.  The test will be conducted jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through  FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS).

In essence, the authority to seize control of all television and civilian communication has been asserted by the executive branch and handed to a government agency.

The EAS has been around since 1994. Its precursor, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), started back in 1963.  Television and radio broadcasters, satellite radio and satellite television providers,  cable television and wireline video providers are all involved in the system.

So this begs the question: is the first ever national EAS test really a big deal?

Probably not. At least, not yet.

But there are some troubling factors all coming together right now that could conceivably trigger a real usage of the EAS system in the not too distant future.  A European financial collapse could bring down U.S. markets. What is now the “Occupy” movement could lead to widespread civil unrest. And there are ominous signs that radical groups such as Anonymous will attempt something major on November 5th- Guy Fawke’s day.

Now we know in the event of a major crisis, the American people will be told with one voice, at the same time, about an emergency.

All thats left to determine is who will have control of the EAS when that day comes, and what their message will be.

Until next time…

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Long, Long Trip

We left South Carolina about 9 this morning and arrived here at home around 8 pm. We took a different route coming through South Carolina I-20 to I-77 to I-26 to 601 then 301 to I-75 near Ocala. There was very little traffic, but it just seemed like the driving was made more difficulty. I can’t tell you how many times the speed limit when from 65 to 60 to 55 to 45 to 35 then back up again. It happened in every little town we went through and often at fairly major intersections. Traffic on I-75 was very heavy and it was dark from Ocala down. Needless to say, I am tired out.

We really had a great weekend. It’s so great to see family that we rarely see.

Well, off to bed.

Until next time…

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beautiful Wedding!

Today, my cousins (Ethelyn, Elwyn, and Richard) and my brother Jeff and his wife Kathy attended my cousin Jones’s daughter Paula’s wedding. It was beautiful as you can see by the pictures:

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The church was beautifully decorated with a fall theme.

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Maid of honor was the bride’s sister Ashley, whose son Tanner (holding the banner which says “Here Comes the Bride”).


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The groom (Rob Hindall) is on the left and his father Brad on the right. Aren’t they a handsome pair?

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Paula is putting Rob’s ring on his finger while the Rev. Time Williams officiates.


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Here Paula and Rob use the candles their parents lit to light the Unity Candle.


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Ladies and gentlemen: Rob and Paula Hindall. Aren’t they a gorgeous couple?


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The reception was held at the beautiful Camden Country Club.

Following are some pictures of family taken at the reception

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Tanner eating red velvet wedding cake while his grandfather (my cousin Jones) looks on.


 smPaulas Wedding-20 My sister-in-law Kathy in a moment of quiet.


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I can’t remember why my cousin Jones made this expression, but I couldn’t resist sharing it with everyone. :)


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The centerpieces were lovely.


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My brother Jeff the Chef.


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From left to right: my cousin Jones, my sister-in law Kathy, my cousins Elwyn and Richard, and my brother Jeff. The person in the front on the left is someone I don’t know and didn’t notice when I was taking the picture.


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Going round the table: Jones, Kathy, Elwyn, Richard, Ethelyn and Jeff.


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Ashley’s husband Todd Smith, Ashley, and her dad (my cousin Jones).

I don’t know how I managed to miss getting a picture of my cousin Jones’s wife Nel, but she was very busy and I guess I just didn’t get the camera out at the right time.

I’m sure others will be sharing their pictures and I, in turn, will share them with you.

The good was great and there was more than you could eat. There was a lot of dancing. A video slide show of the bride and groom was continuously running. The music was great, but a little loud for my tastes.

What a great day! Now, it’s 11:14 and time to hit the hay. Another long ride tomorrow.

Until next time…

Friday, October 21, 2011

Safe Arrival

At 3:30 this morning, I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, finished packing and watched some shows I’d recorded on my DVR. At about 6am, my cousin and I left for South Carolina. We arrived at almost exactly 4pm. It was a pretty smooth trip with not too much traffic until we hit I-26.

We had dinner with Ethelyn and Elwyn then played Euchre until my cousins Jones and Nel came (around 9:30pm). We had a nice visit. It’s now 10:49 pm and I am ready to sleep.

Until next time…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Michael Vey

I’ve mentioned before the book Michael Vey: The Prisoner in Cell 25 and how much I enjoyed the book. Today, Glenn Beck had the author of that book, Richard Paul Evans, on his program. It was a great interview during which I learned that the second in the series will be out in August, 2012. I’m really looking forward to it.

Today, I took a box of books to donate to the library. I also took back all of the books I had out, so now I don’t have any to return. Maybe I can catch up with the ones on my Kindle.

I’ve been watching some interesting programs on the History channel about Fort Knox and the Declaration of Independence.

Tomorrow, my cousin and I head for South Carolina to attend our cousin’s wedding. It’ll be great to see the family although I’m not looking forward to the long drive. We’ll only be gone until Sunday, but my cousin Ethelyn and her husband Elwyn will be coming back to Florida for a visit.

Well, I need to to pack up my PC and finish packing.

Until next time…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Published on on October 18, 2011

In 1980, facing a terrible economy, Ronald Reagan called for a new tax program: 10-10-10. Based on the Kemp-Roth bill, he called for 10 percent cuts in income taxes for three years. He got it, and it kindled 20 years of prosperity.
Now, Herman Cain understands that we need fundamental reform to get our economy moving. He calls for replacing the current system with just three levies of 9 percent each on personal income, corporate income and consumption. There would be no capital gains tax, inheritance tax, Social Security tax or Medicare tax. Just 9-9-9.
His proposal is breathtaking. Currently, the lowest top tax rate is Poland's 18 percent. And Poland is the only European nation that had no recession. If Cain passes 9-9-9, we will thrive and become the destination of choice for every business and businessman. Look at what Reagan's tax cuts achieved, and at the best-performing state economies, where there is no income tax.
The proposal, naturally, attracts critics and skeptics.
Some worry that it will add to the deficit. But that's not likely.
· Americans now earn $12.5 trillion of personal income. Tax it at 9 percent with no deductions and you generate about $1.125 billion.
· We spend $10.3 trillion. A 9 percent tax would yield about $927 billion.
· Net corporate income (after dividends) is $1.1 trillion. A 9 percent levy would generate $100 billion.
· That comes to $2.152 billion, about the same as our actual revenues of $2.162 billion for fiscal 2010.  
And then, when you factor in the economic growth this plan will engender, the scenario becomes even better.
Liberals worry that the tax would shift the burden from the rich to the middle class. No, sir. Americans making $50,000 to $60,000 a year now pay an average of 6 percent of their income in income taxes. But they also pay 6.5 percent in FICA levies and 2.9 percent in Medicare payroll taxes (a total of 15.4 percent). The Cain proposal would replace these with a flat 9 percent, saving them 6.4 percent.
Of course, the middle class would also have to pay a 9 percent sales tax, but it would be largely offset by the savings in their payroll taxes.
Cain says that competitive pressures would hold down prices and force businesses to eat much of the 9 percent sales tax. Employers would not have to pay their 6.5 percent share of payroll in Social Security taxes, and their corporate taxes would be cut. For commodities with high price elasticity -- like cars -- competition will hold down prices. But for inelastic purchases -- like food and drugs -- some of the tax would probably be passed on. For the middle class? It's a wash.
More compelling is the possible impact on the poor. A family making $20,000 to $30,000 a year pays only 3 percent of its income in taxes (much of it more than offset by tax credits). But it still pays 6.5 percent in FICA and 2.9 percent in Medicare taxes. So the requirement that such a family pay 9 percent in personal income taxes would probably be fully offset by the cut in payroll taxes. But the poor might face higher prices. Cain plans to spell out how he can mitigate the impact on the poor through special empowerment zones. We need to see the details. Certainly, the poor would benefit from the increased employment, wages and growth the Cain tax cuts would generate.
Conservatives worry that 9-9-9 will open the door to a European Value-Added Tax that starts at 9 percent but goes up each year. Cain proposes that a two-thirds vote be required to raise rates. But a simple act of Congress could change that.
The real answer is political. If the Republican Party surges back to power in 2012, captures the Senate, keeps the House and takes the presidency, it can make sure the rates don't go up. Republicans usually can count on 40 votes in the Senate; we just have to use them.
The 9-9-9 is a good, good plan that can save our economy.

Halloween Dog Costumes


Kind of a quiet day today. I went to the bank in Brandon then to Publix and then back home.

Until next time…