Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cookies and Computers


Uncle Floyd's Oatmeal Drop Cookies

Today, I re-tested my Uncle Floyd’s Oatmeal Cookies. They are delicious!. I baked them right after I put a meatloaf in my crockpot. Wow, was that ever good! Along with my meat loaf, since I was baking cookies anyway, I baked a sweet potato.

As you know if you read this blog, I am making an effort this year to learn to like some vegetables. My vegetable for this quarter is sweet potatoes. I put butter and salt and pepper on my sweet potato and absolutely loved it. Truly! I think when I have had them before that they were always doctored up with brown sugar or spices or marshmallows. This plain, buttered sweet potato was something I could eat quite often.

I’ve downloaded a few sweet potato recipes I’ll be trying, but I think I can say my goal for this quarter as far as vegetables go, has been met. I may have to start my next quarter’s vegetable early or change my goals to 1 vegetable each month..

As to my computer, have I mentioned how much I hate Windows 8? Today, after spending a couple of hours trying to uninstall and re-install Outlook, I called Microsoft support to see if they could install my Outlook. They worked for a couple of hours and finally said they had to do some research and would call tomorrow to finish fixing it.

In the meantime, I can do a few things on the computer, but am hesitant to do too much. Who knows what they’ll have to do tomorrow.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of your cookies look so good, guess I should make a couple batches myself. I haven't made cookies in over a year!

    I have heard so many people complaining about Windows 8 - and I know you know your way around a computer, so if you are having this many problems..WOW!! Think I have made up my mind that I will get a MAC computer for my next one. I have wanted to switch to Apple but was so comfortable with the Windows operating system, but I think it is time to make the switch. May I ask why you don't use the Apple Mac?
