Friday, January 4, 2013

What a Day!

Today, I started testing recipes for my cookie cookbook. I started with my Aunt Ruth’s Date Cookies. Well, the recipe didn’t say how big the baking pan should be so I used an 8”x8” Pyrex pan.

After the 18 minutes they were supposed to bake, I checked the cookies and they were beautifully browned and smelled amazing. I removed them from the oven and let them cool for a while. In the meantime, I started my mother’s ginger snaps recipe.

After allowing the cookies to cool a little, I used a sharp knife and began to cut them into squares. Imagine my dismay when I discovered they were all gooey on the inside. They weren’t completely done. Even after putting them back in the oven for a few minutes, they never got done.

I called my Aunt Ruth’s daughter, my cousin Ethelyn, and asked her what size pan she used. Tomorrow, I’m going to use a 9”x13” pan and spread them out thinner. I’ll also check them with a toothpick before taking them out of the oven.

The ginger snaps turned out great – the recipe made 37 cookies. Except for a couple of them, I gave them all away. Don’t they look good?

Ginger Snaps -Ready to Eat

As you know, I’ve been struggling with Windows 8 – I still hate it, but today I found out my problem was not completely caused by Windows 8, My computer had been hacked. They got so far as to remove all of my Norton Internet Security programs. Not only was my new desktop hacked, but so was my laptop – in fact, it started with the laptop. Apparently, the reason my laptop had been acting up was because of the hackers. There were about 20 foreign IP addresses on my computer.

A call to iTechline and their signing in and taking over my computer has fixed the problems. I have spent a couple of hours changing passwords and have only gotten to the “e’s.” Oh, well, I’m always looking for tedious busywork to do.

Tomorrow, I’ll be re-testing the date cookies and also my mom’s peanut butter cookies. I’ll let you know how it works out.

Until next time…


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