Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Bright New Year

Well, here it is – a New Year – 2013. I never though I would live this long, but I did.

Did you make any resolutions? I didn’t. What’s the point? In case you did, you should be aware that January 17th is National Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day? Do you think you can hold out that long?

In the last 2 or 3 days, I have gone through 138 recipes which I hope to use for some cookbooks. Now, when I get home, I’ll have to test a lot of them.

That testing will be a chore, but I think it will be fun too. I plan on giving away most of the results of my tests or my determination to lose 100 pounds will come to naught.

Have a great and prosperous New Year.

Until next time…

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