Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I spent most of today waiting.

I waited at home until it was time to go with my cousin Richard to the eye doctor.

I waited for him while he was at the eye doctor’s.

On the way home, Richard and I waited on the Howard Franklin Bridge for almost an hour until we could get past a terrible accident.

After getting home, I had to wait for three batches of perfect pumpkin cookies to come out of the oven.

I went to the AMC Theater to see Jack Reacher and had to wait in line to buy a ticket.

I then I had to wait in line to buy popcorn and a drink.

I had to wait for First Look to be over and the Previews to start.

I had to wait through a half hour of Previews until the movie started (By the way, the movie was very good with Robert Duvall stealing the show.)

Isn’t it great that I’m a patient person or all of that waiting would turn my hair gray.

Until next time --- if you can wait that long.

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