Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mom’s Oatmeal Cookies

What a gorgeous day here in Florida! Warm, but not too hot. Sunny but a few clouds so it wasn’t excessively bright.

This morning, I made my mother’s oatmeal cookies. In the first test – yes, I had to test them twice –I neglected to put the flour mixture in with the rest of the batter. This batter is very stiff. even without the flour, so I guess I just forgot it. I threw away all of those cookies, but the second time was a charm *no, I didn’t have to make it “three times a charm.” These are very good cookies even though the only spice is cinnamon.

Tomorrow, I have to take my car in to have a motor mount and pinion seal repaired. I may get to my mom’s drop oatmeal cookies in the afternoon. We’ll see. Speaking of which, she called one Oatmeal Cookies and one Oatmeal Drop Cookies even though both are dropped by spoonful onto the cookie sheet.

Until next time…

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