Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rainy Day Activities

It has been raining here since sometime in the middle of the night. In fact, we lost electrical power for about 2 hours sometime during that time. I know this because I was awakened by the beeping of a couple of my UPS’s (Uninterruptible Power Supplies). This required me to get up and turn them off.

I’m surprised the beeping woke me up since I had been up pretty late reading, first, the manual on hitching and backing up, then a book recommended by Glenn Beck - Time Pirate: A Nick McIver Time Adventure. I found the manual on hitching and towing very helpful, though the proof of that will come when I actually try hooking up and driving the trailer.

The Nick McIver book is the second of a series (of two, so far). Not wanting to miss anything, I recently read the first in the series, Nick of Time. The books are supposed to be for kids, but like the Harry Potter series, I enjoyed them also. If you would like to read a couple of great books, I recommend them If you have or know children who like to read, or even if they don’t, I just know they will enjoy these books. They’ll learn a lot about history, loyalty, love of family and country, and courage.

Since I didn’t want to attempt to hook up the trailer in the rain, I spent the day inside. Actually, I would have had to spend some time anyway on my eBay business. I finally sold the 10-plate series called Last of Their Kind. I also sold 7 or 8 books. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, to say nothing of finding them and packing them up for shipment.

After my eBay business was completed, I finished Time Pirate, then watched a PBS special on Lewis and Clark I had recorded several days ago, and read my RV Travel ezine from yesterday.

I guess I’ll probably read a little more then go to bed early. Tomorrow is indeed another day. I’ll be finishing my camper cabinet, going to the post office, then going to Wal*Mart to see if I can find a container for storing my trailer spring bars, handle, and hitch ball assembly while it’s not in use. It came in a sturdy cardboard box. However, I’d like something just as sturdy, but impervious to water.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. We planted more trees, 102 total for yesterday and today. It snowed both days here! No accumulation.
