Sunday, January 17, 2010

All Alone and Blue

Today, Mom and I are once again alone in the house. My brother left at 3:30 am and my niece and her kids stopped by, then left about 10 am. I miss the company, but everyone has their own lives, so I can’t blame them. Besides, Mom and I get along together okay. We’ll be back in a routine before you know it.

This morning, Mom made even more progress: she walked BY HERSELF from the kitchen table to her recliner. I was at the kitchen sink and looked over to see her getting up from her chair at the kitchen table. She pushed herself up all alone then walked with me following, but not touching . I was ready to catch her in case she fell, but she didn’t.

By the way, I forgot to mention before that my niece brought me a recording made by her husband, Rick. It is beautiful – him playing the keyboard – soothing and relaxing and totally enjoyable. I hope to meet Rick today – it will be fun to meet someone who can put up with my niece … just kidding, Colleen!

Until next time…

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