Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mom (written 1/9/2010 at 22:33)

Mom, who hadn’t gone to sleep until about 6:30 this morning, slept almost all day while I was there, only waking a few minutes to eat a little breakfast and then at 5 pm. And, at 5, she really woke up – agitated, not recognizing me, wanting me to get away from her.

After a few seconds she seemed to know who I was or at least that I was someone she knew she should know. She asked several times to go home, which as you can imagine, is heartbreaking. I stayed to feed her a little supper, which she reluctantly ate, but I talked to the nurse before I left and advised him that he might want to give her something to calm her down.

Who would think it could be so tiring to just sit all day and read, but when I get home at night, I am exhausted. I’ve been reading, not only books in my Kindle, but in the Revolutionary Bible Study book I mentioned before. The emotional scene recorded by Luke at the end of chapter 20 in Acts reminds me of the emotions I experience every time I have to leave Mom at the hospital. The Ephesians knew they would not see Paul again, but I wonder as I do every time I leave if I will see her again this side of heaven.

I’ve written this blog even though I can’t publish it tonight because of noise on my phone line. Verizon has guaranteed to fix it by Tuesday at 9 pm. Grrrrrrrrr!

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. i've tried to update my settings so i will get an email whenever you post a blog but something doesn't seem to be any rate, since i see you try to blog each day it will make it easier remember to sign on...honestly these break my heart...i have tears in my eyes now. you don't realize when you are younger the importance of keeping in touch with those that have loved you as their own...i may never be able to let you guys know how important you were to my raising but you, uncle mark, and grandma were so important...i can't begin to imagine how you make it each day, you are so much stronger than i think i could be...much love!!
