Mom was really active today, which is a good thing, except it’s difficult to make sure she stays safe. She seems to forget that she is very unsteady on her feet.
I don’t know, maybe I should be happy she only fell once. Today, she was in the living room while I was in the kitchen. She decided to get up and fell down. Fortunately, my Super-mother (woman of steel) didn’t hurt herself or break anything.
Repeatedly asking her to let me know if she’s going to get up has had no effect on the situation. She tells me, not too politely, to mind my own business.
So far as It’s Complicated is concerned, Nadine from Right at Home Plant City came to stay with Mom, so I could see that movie today. I laughed and laughed. Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin and John Krasinski are such talented actors.
Funny, in this movie, Meryl Streep runs a bakery, whereas in Julie and Julia she played chef Julia Child. Maybe, that she’ll be typecast as a cook from now on—just kidding. In this movie, she bakes chocolate croissants for Steve Martin in a very sexy scene.
Tomorrow, it’s Mom and I by ourselves. Maybe, she'll be more cooperative, but I don’t hold out much hope. Of course, I’d rather have her alert, feisty and obstinate than lying in bed unable to do anything.
Until next time…
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