Thursday, January 14, 2010


I thought I would post this while my interview with the nurse from hospice was still clearly in my mind.

Deborah described what hospice can do for us: providing equipment, a nurse once each week, an aide to come in as needed for bathing Mom and other personal care, a hot line if we have problems or questions, and other medical-related care. A hospital bed is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. She also said they would provide training in how to take care of Mom – things I wonder about like how to get her cleaned up once she has to be confined to bed.

From now on, if Mom gets in distress, we will call hospice instead of 911. The number for hospice and Mom’s id card are posted on the refrigerator.

I think I’ll go back to having Right at Home 3 times a week for 4 hours a day. I just have to make sure they know about calling hospice instead of 911.

Mom ate breakfast and lunch today (though not much lunch) and took her medicine without problem. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is NOT to have pills spit at you.

She’s been awake all day after sleeping all night. Hopefully, she’s got her days and nights back to normal. I guess we’ll know tomorrow.

Well, back to work.

Until next time, God bless…

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